rlm@23: #+title: A world for the creatures to live rlm@23: #+author: Robert McIntyre rlm@23: #+email: rlm@mit.edu rlm@23: #+description: Simulating senses for AI research using JMonkeyEngine3 rlm@23: #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/setup.org rlm@23: #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/level-0.org rlm@23: #+babel: :mkdirp yes :noweb yes :exports both rlm@23: rlm@23: rlm@23: rlm@23: *** World rlm@23: rlm@23: It is comvienent to wrap the JME elements that deal with creating a rlm@23: world, creation of basic objects, and Keyboard input with a nicer rlm@23: interface (at least for my purposes). rlm@23: rlm@23: #+srcname: world-inputs rlm@23: #+begin_src clojure :results silent rlm@23: (ns cortex.world) rlm@23: (require 'cortex.import) rlm@23: (use 'clojure.contrib.def) rlm@23: (rlm.rlm-commands/help) rlm@23: (cortex.import/mega-import-jme3) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defvar *app-settings* rlm@23: (doto (AppSettings. true) rlm@23: (.setFullscreen false) rlm@23: (.setTitle "Aurellem.") rlm@23: ;; disable 32 bit stuff for now rlm@23: ;;(.setAudioRenderer "Send") rlm@23: ) rlm@23: "These settings control how the game is displayed on the screen for rlm@23: debugging purposes. Use binding forms to change this if desired. rlm@23: Full-screen mode does not work on some computers.") rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn asset-manager rlm@23: "returns a new, configured assetManager" [] rlm@23: (JmeSystem/newAssetManager rlm@23: (.getResource rlm@23: (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread)) rlm@23: "com/jme3/asset/Desktop.cfg"))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defmacro no-exceptions rlm@23: "Sweet relief like I never knew." rlm@23: [& forms] rlm@23: `(try ~@forms (catch Exception e# (.printStackTrace e#)))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn thread-exception-removal [] rlm@23: (println "removing exceptions from " (Thread/currentThread)) rlm@23: (.setUncaughtExceptionHandler rlm@23: (Thread/currentThread) rlm@23: (proxy [Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler] [] rlm@23: (uncaughtException rlm@23: [thread thrown] rlm@23: (println "uncaught-exception thrown in " thread) rlm@23: (println (.getMessage thrown)))))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (def println-repl (bound-fn [& args] (apply println args))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (use '[pokemon [lpsolve :only [constant-map]]]) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn no-op [& _]) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn all-keys rlm@23: "Construct a map of strings representing all the manual inputs from rlm@23: either the keyboard or mouse." rlm@23: [] rlm@23: (let [inputs (constant-map KeyInput)] rlm@23: (assoc rlm@23: (zipmap (map (fn [field] rlm@23: (.toLowerCase (re-gsub #"_" "-" field))) (vals inputs)) rlm@23: (map (fn [val] (KeyTrigger. val)) (keys inputs))) rlm@23: ;;explicitly add mouse controls rlm@23: "mouse-left" (MouseButtonTrigger. 0) rlm@23: "mouse-middle" (MouseButtonTrigger. 2) rlm@23: "mouse-right" (MouseButtonTrigger. 1)))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn initialize-inputs rlm@23: "more java-interop cruft to establish keybindings for a particular virtual world" rlm@23: [game input-manager key-map] rlm@23: (doall (map (fn [[name trigger]] rlm@23: (.addMapping ^InputManager input-manager rlm@23: name (into-array (class trigger) [trigger]))) key-map)) rlm@23: (doall (map (fn [name] rlm@23: (.addListener ^InputManager input-manager game rlm@23: (into-array String [name]))) (keys key-map)))) rlm@23: rlm@23: #+end_src rlm@23: rlm@23: These functions are all for debug controlling of the world through rlm@23: keyboard and mouse. rlm@23: rlm@23: We reuse =constant-map= from =pokemon.lpsolve= to get the numerical rlm@23: values for all the keys defined in the =KeyInput= class. The rlm@23: documentation for =constant-map= is: rlm@23: rlm@23: #+begin_src clojure :results output rlm@23: (doc pokemon.lpsolve/constant-map) rlm@23: #+end_src rlm@23: rlm@23: #+results: rlm@23: : ------------------------- rlm@23: : pokemon.lpsolve/constant-map rlm@23: : ([class]) rlm@23: : Takes a class and creates a map of the static constant integer rlm@23: : fields with their names. This helps with C wrappers where they have rlm@23: : just defined a bunch of integer constants instead of enums rlm@23: rlm@23: rlm@23: Then, =all-keys= converts the constant names like =KEY_J= to the more rlm@23: clojure-like =key-j=, and returns a map from these keys to rlm@23: jMonkeyEngine KeyTrigger objects, the use of which will soon become rlm@23: apparent. =all-keys= also adds the three mouse button controls to the rlm@23: map. rlm@23: rlm@23: #+srcname: world rlm@23: #+begin_src clojure :results silent rlm@23: (in-ns 'cortex.world) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn traverse rlm@23: "apply f to every non-node, deeply" rlm@23: [f node] rlm@23: (if (isa? (class node) Node) rlm@23: (dorun (map (partial traverse f) (.getChildren node))) rlm@23: (f node))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (def gravity (Vector3f. 0 -9.81 0)) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn world rlm@23: [root-node key-map setup-fn update-fn] rlm@23: (let [physics-manager (BulletAppState.) rlm@23: shadow-renderer (BasicShadowRenderer. (asset-manager) (int 256)) rlm@23: ;;maybe use a better shadow renderer someday! rlm@23: ;;shadow-renderer (PssmShadowRenderer. (asset-manager) 256 1) rlm@23: ] rlm@23: (doto rlm@23: (proxy [SimpleApplication ActionListener] [] rlm@23: (simpleInitApp rlm@23: [] rlm@23: (no-exceptions rlm@23: (.setTimer this (IsoTimer. 60)) rlm@23: ;; Create key-map. rlm@23: (.setFrustumFar (.getCamera this) 300) rlm@23: (initialize-inputs this (.getInputManager this) (all-keys)) rlm@23: ;; Don't take control of the mouse rlm@23: (org.lwjgl.input.Mouse/setGrabbed false) rlm@23: ;; add all objects to the world rlm@23: (.attachChild (.getRootNode this) root-node) rlm@23: ;; enable physics rlm@23: ;; add a physics manager rlm@23: (.attach (.getStateManager this) physics-manager) rlm@23: (.setGravity (.getPhysicsSpace physics-manager) gravity) rlm@23: rlm@23: rlm@23: ;; go through every object and add it to the physics manager rlm@23: ;; if relavant. rlm@23: (traverse (fn [geom] rlm@23: (dorun rlm@23: (for [n (range (.getNumControls geom))] rlm@23: (do rlm@23: (println-repl "adding control " (.getControl geom n)) rlm@23: (.add (.getPhysicsSpace physics-manager) rlm@23: (.getControl geom n)))))) rlm@23: (.getRootNode this)) rlm@23: ;;(.addAll (.getPhysicsSpace physics-manager) (.getRootNode this)) rlm@23: rlm@23: (setup-fn this) rlm@23: (.setDirection shadow-renderer rlm@23: (.normalizeLocal (Vector3f. -1 -1 -1))) rlm@23: (.addProcessor (.getViewPort this) shadow-renderer) rlm@23: (.setShadowMode (.getRootNode this) RenderQueue$ShadowMode/Off) rlm@23: )) rlm@23: (simpleUpdate rlm@23: [tpf] rlm@23: (no-exceptions rlm@23: (update-fn this tpf))) rlm@23: (onAction rlm@23: [binding value tpf] rlm@23: ;; whenever a key is pressed, call the function returned from rlm@23: ;; key-map. rlm@23: (no-exceptions rlm@23: (if-let [react (key-map binding)] rlm@23: (react this value))))) rlm@23: ;; don't show a menu to change options. rlm@23: rlm@23: (.setShowSettings false) rlm@23: (.setPauseOnLostFocus false) rlm@23: (.setSettings *app-settings*)))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn apply-map rlm@23: "Like apply, but works for maps and functions that expect an implicit map rlm@23: and nothing else as in (fn [& {}]). rlm@23: ------- Example ------- rlm@23: (defn jjj [& {:keys [www] :or {www \"oh yeah\"} :as env}] (println www)) rlm@23: (apply-map jjj {:www \"whatever\"}) rlm@23: -->\"whatever\"" rlm@23: [fn m] rlm@23: (apply fn (reduce #(into %1 %2) [] m))) rlm@23: rlm@23: #+end_src rlm@23: rlm@23: rlm@23: =world= is the most important function here. rlm@23: *** TODO more documentation rlm@23: rlm@23: #+srcname: world-shapes rlm@23: #+begin_src clojure :results silent rlm@23: (in-ns 'cortex.world) rlm@23: (defrecord shape-description rlm@23: [name rlm@23: color rlm@23: mass rlm@23: friction rlm@23: texture rlm@23: material rlm@23: position rlm@23: rotation rlm@23: shape rlm@23: physical?]) rlm@23: rlm@23: (def base-shape rlm@23: (shape-description. rlm@23: "default-shape" rlm@23: false rlm@23: ;;ColorRGBA/Blue rlm@23: 1.0 ;; mass rlm@23: 1.0 ;; friction rlm@23: ;; texture rlm@23: "Textures/Terrain/BrickWall/BrickWall.jpg" rlm@23: ;; material rlm@23: "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md" rlm@23: Vector3f/ZERO rlm@23: Quaternion/IDENTITY rlm@23: (Box. Vector3f/ZERO 0.5 0.5 0.5) rlm@23: true)) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn make-shape rlm@23: [#^shape-description d] rlm@23: (let [asset-manager (if (:asset-manager d) (:asset-manager d) (asset-manager)) rlm@23: mat (Material. asset-manager (:material d)) rlm@23: geom (Geometry. (:name d) (:shape d))] rlm@23: (if (:texture d) rlm@23: (let [key (TextureKey. (:texture d))] rlm@23: (.setGenerateMips key true) rlm@23: (.setTexture mat "ColorMap" (.loadTexture asset-manager key)))) rlm@23: (if (:color d) (.setColor mat "Color" (:color d))) rlm@23: (.setMaterial geom mat) rlm@23: (if-let [rotation (:rotation d)] (.rotate geom rotation)) rlm@23: (.setLocalTranslation geom (:position d)) rlm@23: (if (:physical? d) rlm@23: (let [impact-shape (doto (GImpactCollisionShape. rlm@23: (.getMesh geom)) (.setMargin 0)) rlm@23: physics-control (RigidBodyControl. rlm@23: ;;impact-shape ;; comment to disable rlm@23: (float (:mass d)))] rlm@23: (.createJmeMesh impact-shape) rlm@23: (.addControl geom physics-control) rlm@23: ;;(.setSleepingThresholds physics-control (float 0) (float 0)) rlm@23: (.setFriction physics-control (:friction d)))) rlm@23: ;;the default is to keep this node in the physics engine forever. rlm@23: ;;these commands must come after the control is added to the geometry. rlm@23: ;; rlm@23: geom)) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn box rlm@23: ([l w h & {:as options}] rlm@23: (let [options (merge base-shape options)] rlm@23: (make-shape (assoc options rlm@23: :shape (Box. l w h))))) rlm@23: ([] (box 0.5 0.5 0.5))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn sphere rlm@23: ([r & {:as options}] rlm@23: (let [options (merge base-shape options)] rlm@23: (make-shape (assoc options rlm@23: :shape (Sphere. 32 32 (float r)))))) rlm@23: ([] (sphere 0.5))) rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn add-element rlm@23: ([game element node] rlm@23: (.addAll rlm@23: (.getPhysicsSpace rlm@23: (.getState rlm@23: (.getStateManager game) rlm@23: BulletAppState)) rlm@23: element) rlm@23: (.attachChild node element)) rlm@23: ([game element] rlm@23: (add-element game element (.getRootNode game)))) rlm@23: rlm@23: rlm@23: (defn set-gravity* rlm@23: [game gravity] rlm@23: (traverse rlm@23: (fn [geom] rlm@23: (if-let rlm@23: [control (.getControl geom RigidBodyControl)] rlm@23: (do rlm@23: (.setGravity control gravity) rlm@23: (.applyImpulse control Vector3f/ZERO Vector3f/ZERO) rlm@23: ))) rlm@23: (.getRootNode game))) rlm@23: rlm@23: #+end_src rlm@23: rlm@23: These are convienence functions for creating JME objects and rlm@23: manipulating a world. rlm@23: rlm@24: rlm@24: rlm@24: rlm@24: rlm@24: * COMMENT code generation rlm@24: rlm@24: #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/world.clj rlm@24: <> rlm@24: <> rlm@24: <> rlm@24: #+end_src