rlm@162: #+title: Simulated Sense of Hearing
rlm@162: #+author: Robert McIntyre
rlm@162: #+email: rlm@mit.edu
rlm@162: #+description: Simulating multiple listeners and the sense of hearing in jMonkeyEngine3
rlm@162: #+keywords: simulated hearing, openal, clojure, jMonkeyEngine3, LWJGL, AI
rlm@162: #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/setup.org
rlm@162: #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/level-0.org
rlm@162: * Hearing
rlm@220: At the end of this post I will have simulated ears that work the same
rlm@220: way as the simulated eyes in the last post.  I will be able to place
rlm@220: any number of ear-nodes in a blender file, and they will bind to the
rlm@220: closest physical object and follow it as it moves around. Each ear
rlm@220: will provide access to the sound data it picks up between every frame.
rlm@162: Hearing is one of the more difficult senses to simulate, because there
rlm@162: is less support for obtaining the actual sound data that is processed
rlm@220: by jMonkeyEngine3. There is no "split-screen" support for rendering
rlm@220: sound from different points of view, and there is no way to directly
rlm@220: access the rendered sound data.
rlm@220: ** Brief Description of jMonkeyEngine's Sound System
rlm@162: jMonkeyEngine's sound system works as follows:
rlm@162:  - jMonkeyEngine uses the =AppSettings= for the particular application
rlm@472:    to determine what sort of =AudioRenderer= should be used. 
rlm@472: - Although some support is provided for multiple AudioRendering
rlm@162:    backends, jMonkeyEngine at the time of this writing will either
rlm@220:    pick no =AudioRenderer= at all, or the =LwjglAudioRenderer=.
rlm@162:  - jMonkeyEngine tries to figure out what sort of system you're
rlm@162:    running and extracts the appropriate native libraries.
rlm@220:  - The =LwjglAudioRenderer= uses the [[http://lwjgl.org/][=LWJGL=]] (LightWeight Java Game
rlm@162:    Library) bindings to interface with a C library called [[http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html][=OpenAL=]]
rlm@220:  - =OpenAL= renders the 3D sound and feeds the rendered sound directly
rlm@220:    to any of various sound output devices with which it knows how to
rlm@220:    communicate.
rlm@162: A consequence of this is that there's no way to access the actual
rlm@220: sound data produced by =OpenAL=. Even worse, =OpenAL= only supports
rlm@220: one /listener/ (it renders sound data from only one perspective),
rlm@220: which normally isn't a problem for games, but becomes a problem when
rlm@220: trying to make multiple AI creatures that can each hear the world from
rlm@220: a different perspective.
rlm@162: To make many AI creatures in jMonkeyEngine that can each hear the
rlm@220: world from their own perspective, or to make a single creature with
rlm@220: many ears, it is necessary to go all the way back to =OpenAL= and
rlm@220: implement support for simulated hearing there.
rlm@162: * Extending =OpenAL=
rlm@162: ** =OpenAL= Devices
rlm@162: =OpenAL= goes to great lengths to support many different systems, all
rlm@162: with different sound capabilities and interfaces.  It accomplishes this
rlm@162: difficult task by providing code for many different sound backends in
rlm@162: pseudo-objects called /Devices/.  There's a device for the Linux Open
rlm@162: Sound System and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, there's one
rlm@162: for Direct Sound on Windows, there's even one for Solaris. =OpenAL=
rlm@162: solves the problem of platform independence by providing all these
rlm@162: Devices.
rlm@162: Wrapper libraries such as LWJGL are free to examine the system on
rlm@162: which they are running and then select an appropriate device for that
rlm@162: system. 
rlm@162: There are also a few "special" devices that don't interface with any
rlm@162: particular system.  These include the Null Device, which doesn't do
rlm@162: anything, and the Wave Device, which writes whatever sound it receives
rlm@162: to a file, if everything has been set up correctly when configuring
rlm@162: =OpenAL=.
rlm@162: Actual mixing of the sound data happens in the Devices, and they are
rlm@162: the only point in the sound rendering process where this data is
rlm@162: available. 
rlm@162: Therefore, in order to support multiple listeners, and get the sound
rlm@162: data in a form that the AIs can use, it is necessary to create a new
rlm@472: Device which supports this feature.
rlm@162: ** The Send Device
rlm@162: Adding a device to OpenAL is rather tricky -- there are five separate
rlm@162: files in the =OpenAL= source tree that must be modified to do so. I've
rlm@220: documented this process [[../../audio-send/html/add-new-device.html][here]] for anyone who is interested.
rlm@220: Again, my objectives are:
rlm@162:  - Support Multiple Listeners from jMonkeyEngine3
rlm@162:  - Get access to the rendered sound data for further processing from
rlm@162:    clojure.
rlm@306: I named it the "Multiple Audio Send" Device, or =Send= Device for
rlm@306: short, since it sends audio data back to the calling application like
rlm@220: an Aux-Send cable on a mixing board.
rlm@220: Onward to the actual Device!
rlm@162: ** =send.c=
rlm@162: ** Header
rlm@162: #+name: send-header
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: #include "config.h"
rlm@162: #include <stdlib.h>
rlm@162: #include "alMain.h"
rlm@162: #include "AL/al.h"
rlm@162: #include "AL/alc.h"
rlm@162: #include "alSource.h"
rlm@162: #include <jni.h>
rlm@162: //////////////////// Summary
rlm@162: struct send_data;
rlm@162: struct context_data;
rlm@162: static void addContext(ALCdevice *, ALCcontext *);
rlm@162: static void syncContexts(ALCcontext *master, ALCcontext *slave);
rlm@162: static void syncSources(ALsource *master, ALsource *slave, 
rlm@162: 			ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *slaveCtx);
rlm@162: static void syncSourcei(ALuint master, ALuint slave,
rlm@162: 			ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *ctx2, ALenum param);
rlm@162: static void syncSourcef(ALuint master, ALuint slave,
rlm@162: 			ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *ctx2, ALenum param);
rlm@162: static void syncSource3f(ALuint master, ALuint slave,
rlm@162: 			ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *ctx2, ALenum param);
rlm@162: static void swapInContext(ALCdevice *, struct context_data *);
rlm@162: static void saveContext(ALCdevice *, struct context_data *);
rlm@162: static void limitContext(ALCdevice *, ALCcontext *);
rlm@162: static void unLimitContext(ALCdevice *);
rlm@162: static void init(ALCdevice *);
rlm@162: static void renderData(ALCdevice *, int samples);
rlm@162: #define UNUSED(x)  (void)(x)
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: The main idea behind the Send device is to take advantage of the fact
rlm@162: that LWJGL only manages one /context/ when using OpenAL.  A /context/
rlm@162: is like a container that holds samples and keeps track of where the
rlm@162: listener is.  In order to support multiple listeners, the Send device
rlm@162: identifies the LWJGL context as the master context, and creates any
rlm@162: number of slave contexts to represent additional listeners.  Every
rlm@162: time the device renders sound, it synchronizes every source from the
rlm@162: master LWJGL context to the slave contexts.  Then, it renders each
rlm@162: context separately, using a different listener for each one.  The
rlm@162: rendered sound is made available via JNI to jMonkeyEngine.
rlm@162: To recap, the process is: 
rlm@162:  - Set the LWJGL context as "master" in the =init()= method.
rlm@162:  - Create any number of additional contexts via =addContext()=
rlm@162:  - At every call to =renderData()= sync the master context with the
rlm@162:    slave contexts with =syncContexts()=
rlm@162:  - =syncContexts()= calls =syncSources()= to sync all the sources
rlm@162:    which are in the master context.
rlm@162:  - =limitContext()= and =unLimitContext()= make it possible to render
rlm@162:    only one context at a time.
rlm@162: ** Necessary State
rlm@162: #+name: send-state
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: ////////////////////  State
rlm@162: typedef struct context_data {
rlm@162:   ALfloat ClickRemoval[MAXCHANNELS];
rlm@162:   ALfloat PendingClicks[MAXCHANNELS];
rlm@162:   ALvoid *renderBuffer;
rlm@162:   ALCcontext *ctx;
rlm@162: } context_data;
rlm@162: typedef struct send_data {
rlm@162:   ALuint size;
rlm@162:   context_data **contexts;
rlm@162:   ALuint numContexts;
rlm@162:   ALuint maxContexts;
rlm@162: } send_data;
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: Switching between contexts is not the normal operation of a Device,
rlm@162: and one of the problems with doing so is that a Device normally keeps
rlm@162: around a few pieces of state such as the =ClickRemoval= array above
rlm@220: which will become corrupted if the contexts are not rendered in
rlm@162: parallel. The solution is to create a copy of this normally global
rlm@162: device state for each context, and copy it back and forth into and out
rlm@162: of the actual device state whenever a context is rendered.
rlm@162: ** Synchronization Macros
rlm@162: #+name: sync-macros
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: ////////////////////  Context Creation / Synchronization
rlm@162:   void NAME (ALuint sourceID1, ALuint sourceID2,	\
rlm@162: 	     ALCcontext *ctx1, ALCcontext *ctx2,	\
rlm@162: 	     ALenum param){				\
rlm@162:     INIT_EXPR;						\
rlm@162:     ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();	\
rlm@162:     alcMakeContextCurrent(ctx1);			\
rlm@162:     GET_EXPR;						\
rlm@162:     alcMakeContextCurrent(ctx2);			\
rlm@162:     SET_EXPR;						\
rlm@162:     alcMakeContextCurrent(current);			\
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162: #define MAKE_SYNC(NAME, TYPE, GET, SET)			\
rlm@162:   _MAKE_SYNC(NAME,					\
rlm@162: 	     TYPE value,				\
rlm@162:              GET(sourceID1, param, &value),		\
rlm@162:              SET(sourceID2, param, value))
rlm@162: #define MAKE_SYNC3(NAME, TYPE, GET, SET)				\
rlm@162:   _MAKE_SYNC(NAME,							\
rlm@162: 	     TYPE value1; TYPE value2; TYPE value3;,			\
rlm@162: 	     GET(sourceID1, param, &value1, &value2, &value3),		\
rlm@162: 	     SET(sourceID2, param,  value1,  value2,  value3))
rlm@162: MAKE_SYNC( syncSourcei,  ALint,   alGetSourcei,  alSourcei);
rlm@162: MAKE_SYNC( syncSourcef,  ALfloat, alGetSourcef,  alSourcef);
rlm@162: MAKE_SYNC3(syncSource3i, ALint,   alGetSource3i, alSource3i);
rlm@162: MAKE_SYNC3(syncSource3f, ALfloat, alGetSource3f, alSource3f);
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: Setting the state of an =OpenAL= source is done with the =alSourcei=,
rlm@162: =alSourcef=, =alSource3i=, and =alSource3f= functions.  In order to
rlm@162: completely synchronize two sources, it is necessary to use all of
rlm@162: them. These macros help to condense the otherwise repetitive
rlm@162: synchronization code involving these similar low-level =OpenAL= functions.
rlm@162: ** Source Synchronization
rlm@162: #+name: sync-sources
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: void syncSources(ALsource *masterSource, ALsource *slaveSource, 
rlm@162: 		 ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *slaveCtx){
rlm@162:   ALuint master = masterSource->source;
rlm@162:   ALuint slave = slaveSource->source;
rlm@162:   ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_PITCH);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_GAIN);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_MAX_DISTANCE);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_MIN_GAIN);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_MAX_GAIN);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_SEC_OFFSET);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET);
rlm@162:   syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_BYTE_OFFSET);
rlm@162:   syncSource3f(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_POSITION);
rlm@162:   syncSource3f(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_VELOCITY);
rlm@162:   syncSource3f(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_DIRECTION);
rlm@162:   syncSourcei(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE);
rlm@162:   syncSourcei(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_LOOPING);
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(masterCtx);
rlm@162:   ALint source_type;
rlm@162:   alGetSourcei(master, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &source_type);
rlm@162:   // Only static sources are currently synchronized! 
rlm@162:   if (AL_STATIC == source_type){
rlm@162:     ALint master_buffer;
rlm@162:     ALint slave_buffer;
rlm@162:     alGetSourcei(master, AL_BUFFER, &master_buffer);
rlm@162:     alcMakeContextCurrent(slaveCtx);
rlm@162:     alGetSourcei(slave, AL_BUFFER, &slave_buffer);
rlm@162:     if (master_buffer != slave_buffer){
rlm@162:       alSourcei(slave, AL_BUFFER, master_buffer);
rlm@162:     }
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   // Synchronize the state of the two sources.
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(masterCtx);
rlm@162:   ALint masterState;
rlm@162:   ALint slaveState;
rlm@162:   alGetSourcei(master, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &masterState);
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(slaveCtx);
rlm@162:   alGetSourcei(slave, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &slaveState);
rlm@162:   if (masterState != slaveState){
rlm@162:     switch (masterState){
rlm@162:     case AL_INITIAL : alSourceRewind(slave); break;
rlm@162:     case AL_PLAYING : alSourcePlay(slave);   break;
rlm@162:     case AL_PAUSED  : alSourcePause(slave);  break;
rlm@162:     case AL_STOPPED : alSourceStop(slave);   break;
rlm@162:     }
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   // Restore whatever context was previously active.
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: This function is long because it has to exhaustively go through all the
rlm@162: possible state that a source can have and make sure that it is the
rlm@162: same between the master and slave sources.  I'd like to take this
rlm@162: moment to salute the [[http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx][=OpenAL= Reference Manual]], which provides a very
rlm@162: good description of =OpenAL='s internals.
rlm@162: ** Context Synchronization
rlm@162: #+name: sync-contexts
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: void syncContexts(ALCcontext *master, ALCcontext *slave){
rlm@162:   /* If there aren't sufficient sources in slave to mirror 
rlm@162:      the sources in master, create them. */
rlm@162:   ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
rlm@162:   UIntMap *masterSourceMap = &(master->SourceMap);
rlm@162:   UIntMap *slaveSourceMap = &(slave->SourceMap);
rlm@162:   ALuint numMasterSources = masterSourceMap->size;
rlm@162:   ALuint numSlaveSources = slaveSourceMap->size;
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(slave);
rlm@162:   if (numSlaveSources < numMasterSources){
rlm@162:     ALuint numMissingSources = numMasterSources - numSlaveSources;
rlm@162:     ALuint newSources[numMissingSources];
rlm@162:     alGenSources(numMissingSources, newSources);
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   /* Now, slave is guaranteed to have at least as many sources
rlm@162:      as master.  Sync each source from master to the corresponding
rlm@162:      source in slave. */
rlm@162:   int i;
rlm@162:   for(i = 0; i < masterSourceMap->size; i++){
rlm@162:     syncSources((ALsource*)masterSourceMap->array[i].value,
rlm@162: 		(ALsource*)slaveSourceMap->array[i].value,
rlm@162: 		master, slave);
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: Most of the hard work in Context Synchronization is done in
rlm@162: =syncSources()=. The only thing that =syncContexts()= has to worry
rlm@162: about is automatically creating new sources whenever a slave context
rlm@162: does not have the same number of sources as the master context.
rlm@162: ** Context Creation
rlm@162: #+name: context-creation
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: static void addContext(ALCdevice *Device, ALCcontext *context){
rlm@162:   send_data *data = (send_data*)Device->ExtraData;
rlm@162:   // expand array if necessary
rlm@162:   if (data->numContexts >= data->maxContexts){
rlm@162:     ALuint newMaxContexts = data->maxContexts*2 + 1;
rlm@162:     data->contexts = realloc(data->contexts, newMaxContexts*sizeof(context_data));
rlm@162:     data->maxContexts = newMaxContexts;
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   // create context_data and add it to the main array
rlm@162:   context_data *ctxData;
rlm@162:   ctxData = (context_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(*ctxData));
rlm@162:   ctxData->renderBuffer = 
rlm@162:     malloc(BytesFromDevFmt(Device->FmtType) * 
rlm@162: 	   Device->NumChan * Device->UpdateSize);
rlm@162:   ctxData->ctx = context;
rlm@162:   data->contexts[data->numContexts] = ctxData;
rlm@162:   data->numContexts++;
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: Here, the slave context is created, and it's data is stored in the
rlm@162: device-wide =ExtraData= structure.  The =renderBuffer= that is created
rlm@162: here is where the rendered sound samples for this slave context will
rlm@162: eventually go.
rlm@162: ** Context Switching
rlm@162: #+name: context-switching
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: ////////////////////  Context Switching 
rlm@162: /* A device brings along with it two pieces of state
rlm@162:  * which have to be swapped in and out with each context.
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: static void swapInContext(ALCdevice *Device, context_data *ctxData){
rlm@162:   memcpy(Device->ClickRemoval, ctxData->ClickRemoval, sizeof(ALfloat)*MAXCHANNELS);
rlm@162:   memcpy(Device->PendingClicks, ctxData->PendingClicks, sizeof(ALfloat)*MAXCHANNELS);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: static void saveContext(ALCdevice *Device, context_data *ctxData){
rlm@162:   memcpy(ctxData->ClickRemoval, Device->ClickRemoval, sizeof(ALfloat)*MAXCHANNELS);
rlm@162:   memcpy(ctxData->PendingClicks, Device->PendingClicks, sizeof(ALfloat)*MAXCHANNELS);
rlm@162: }  
rlm@162: static ALCcontext **currentContext;
rlm@162: static ALuint currentNumContext;
rlm@162: /* By default, all contexts are rendered at once for each call to aluMixData.
rlm@162:  * This function uses the internals of the ALCdevice struct to temporally 
rlm@162:  * cause aluMixData to only render the chosen context.
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: static void limitContext(ALCdevice *Device, ALCcontext *ctx){
rlm@162:   currentContext  = Device->Contexts;
rlm@162:   currentNumContext  = Device->NumContexts;
rlm@162:   Device->Contexts = &ctx;
rlm@162:   Device->NumContexts = 1;
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: static void unLimitContext(ALCdevice *Device){
rlm@162:   Device->Contexts = currentContext;
rlm@162:   Device->NumContexts = currentNumContext;
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@220: =OpenAL= normally renders all contexts in parallel, outputting the
rlm@162: whole result to the buffer.  It does this by iterating over the
rlm@162: Device->Contexts array and rendering each context to the buffer in
rlm@162: turn.  By temporally setting Device->NumContexts to 1 and adjusting
rlm@162: the Device's context list to put the desired context-to-be-rendered
rlm@220: into position 0, we can get trick =OpenAL= into rendering each context
rlm@220: separate from all the others.
rlm@162: ** Main Device Loop
rlm@162: #+name: main-loop
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: ////////////////////   Main Device Loop
rlm@162: /* Establish the LWJGL context as the master context, which will
rlm@162:  * be synchronized to all the slave contexts
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: static void init(ALCdevice *Device){
rlm@162:   ALCcontext *masterContext = alcGetCurrentContext();
rlm@162:   addContext(Device, masterContext);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: static void renderData(ALCdevice *Device, int samples){
rlm@162:   if(!Device->Connected){return;}
rlm@162:   send_data *data = (send_data*)Device->ExtraData;
rlm@162:   ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
rlm@162:   ALuint i;
rlm@162:   for (i = 1; i < data->numContexts; i++){
rlm@162:     syncContexts(data->contexts[0]->ctx , data->contexts[i]->ctx);
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   if ((ALuint) samples > Device->UpdateSize){
rlm@162:     printf("exceeding internal buffer size; dropping samples\n");
rlm@162:     printf("requested %d; available %d\n", samples, Device->UpdateSize);
rlm@162:     samples = (int) Device->UpdateSize;
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   for (i = 0; i < data->numContexts; i++){
rlm@162:     context_data *ctxData = data->contexts[i];
rlm@162:     ALCcontext *ctx = ctxData->ctx;
rlm@162:     alcMakeContextCurrent(ctx);
rlm@162:     limitContext(Device, ctx);
rlm@162:     swapInContext(Device, ctxData);
rlm@162:     aluMixData(Device, ctxData->renderBuffer, samples);
rlm@162:     saveContext(Device, ctxData);
rlm@162:     unLimitContext(Device);
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: The main loop synchronizes the master LWJGL context with all the slave
rlm@220: contexts, then iterates through each context, rendering just that
rlm@220: context to it's audio-sample storage buffer.
rlm@162: ** JNI Methods
rlm@162: At this point, we have the ability to create multiple listeners by
rlm@162: using the master/slave context trick, and the rendered audio data is
rlm@162: waiting patiently in internal buffers, one for each listener.  We need
rlm@162: a way to transport this information to Java, and also a way to drive
rlm@162: this device from Java.  The following JNI interface code is inspired
rlm@220: by the LWJGL JNI interface to =OpenAL=.
rlm@220: *** Stepping the Device
rlm@162: #+name: jni-step
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: ////////////////////   JNI Methods
rlm@162: #include "com_aurellem_send_AudioSend.h"
rlm@162: /*
rlm@162:  * Class:     com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
rlm@162:  * Method:    nstep
rlm@162:  * Signature: (JI)V
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_nstep
rlm@162: (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device, jint samples){
rlm@162:   UNUSED(env);UNUSED(clazz);UNUSED(device);
rlm@162:   renderData((ALCdevice*)((intptr_t)device), samples);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: This device, unlike most of the other devices in =OpenAL=, does not
rlm@162: render sound unless asked. This enables the system to slow down or
rlm@162: speed up depending on the needs of the AIs who are using it to
rlm@162: listen.  If the device tried to render samples in real-time, a
rlm@162: complicated AI whose mind takes 100 seconds of computer time to
rlm@162: simulate 1 second of AI-time would miss almost all of the sound in
rlm@162: its environment.
rlm@220: *** Device->Java Data Transport
rlm@162: #+name: jni-get-samples
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: /*
rlm@162:  * Class:     com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
rlm@162:  * Method:    ngetSamples
rlm@162:  * Signature: (JLjava/nio/ByteBuffer;III)V
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_ngetSamples
rlm@162: (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device, jobject buffer, jint position, 
rlm@162:  jint samples, jint n){
rlm@162:   UNUSED(clazz);  
rlm@162:   ALvoid *buffer_address = 
rlm@162:     ((ALbyte *)(((char*)(*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, buffer)) + position));
rlm@162:   ALCdevice *recorder = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
rlm@162:   send_data *data = (send_data*)recorder->ExtraData;
rlm@162:   if ((ALuint)n > data->numContexts){return;}
rlm@162:   memcpy(buffer_address, data->contexts[n]->renderBuffer, 
rlm@162: 	 BytesFromDevFmt(recorder->FmtType) * recorder->NumChan * samples);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: This is the transport layer between C and Java that will eventually
rlm@162: allow us to access rendered sound data from clojure.
rlm@162: *** Listener Management
rlm@162: =addListener=, =setNthListenerf=, and =setNthListener3f= are
rlm@162: necessary to change the properties of any listener other than the
rlm@162: master one, since only the listener of the current active context is
rlm@162: affected by the normal =OpenAL= listener calls.
rlm@162: #+name: listener-manage
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: /*
rlm@162:  * Class:     com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
rlm@162:  * Method:    naddListener
rlm@162:  * Signature: (J)V
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_naddListener
rlm@162: (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device){
rlm@162:   UNUSED(env); UNUSED(clazz);
rlm@162:   //printf("creating new context via naddListener\n");
rlm@162:   ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
rlm@162:   ALCcontext *new = alcCreateContext(Device, NULL);
rlm@162:   addContext(Device, new);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: /*
rlm@162:  * Class:     com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
rlm@162:  * Method:    nsetNthListener3f
rlm@162:  * Signature: (IFFFJI)V
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_nsetNthListener3f
rlm@162:   (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint param, 
rlm@162:    jfloat v1, jfloat v2, jfloat v3, jlong device, jint contextNum){
rlm@162:   UNUSED(env);UNUSED(clazz);
rlm@162:   ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
rlm@162:   send_data *data = (send_data*)Device->ExtraData;
rlm@162:   ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
rlm@162:   if ((ALuint)contextNum > data->numContexts){return;}
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(data->contexts[contextNum]->ctx);
rlm@162:   alListener3f(param, v1, v2, v3);
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: /*
rlm@162:  * Class:     com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
rlm@162:  * Method:    nsetNthListenerf
rlm@162:  * Signature: (IFJI)V
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_nsetNthListenerf
rlm@162: (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint param, jfloat v1, jlong device, 
rlm@162:  jint contextNum){
rlm@162:   UNUSED(env);UNUSED(clazz);
rlm@162:   ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
rlm@162:   send_data *data = (send_data*)Device->ExtraData;
rlm@162:   ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
rlm@162:   if ((ALuint)contextNum > data->numContexts){return;}
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(data->contexts[contextNum]->ctx);
rlm@162:   alListenerf(param, v1);
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: *** Initialization
rlm@162: =initDevice= is called from the Java side after LWJGL has created its
rlm@162: context, and before any calls to =addListener=. It establishes the
rlm@162: LWJGL context as the master context.
rlm@162: =getAudioFormat= is a convenience function that uses JNI to build up a
rlm@162: =javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat= object from data in the Device. This
rlm@162: way, there is no ambiguity about what the bits created by =step= and
rlm@162: returned by =getSamples= mean.
rlm@162: #+name: jni-init
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: /*
rlm@162:  * Class:     com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
rlm@162:  * Method:    ninitDevice
rlm@162:  * Signature: (J)V
rlm@162:  */                     
rlm@162: JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_ninitDevice
rlm@162: (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device){
rlm@162:   UNUSED(env);UNUSED(clazz);
rlm@162:   ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
rlm@162:   init(Device);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: /*
rlm@162:  * Class:     com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
rlm@162:  * Method:    ngetAudioFormat
rlm@162:  * Signature: (J)Ljavax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat;
rlm@162:  */
rlm@162: JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_ngetAudioFormat
rlm@162: (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device){
rlm@162:   UNUSED(clazz);
rlm@162:   jclass AudioFormatClass = 
rlm@162:     (*env)->FindClass(env, "javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat");
rlm@162:   jmethodID AudioFormatConstructor = 
rlm@162:     (*env)->GetMethodID(env, AudioFormatClass, "<init>", "(FIIZZ)V");
rlm@162:   ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
rlm@162:   int isSigned;
rlm@162:   switch (Device->FmtType)
rlm@162:     {
rlm@162:     case DevFmtUByte: 
rlm@162:     case DevFmtUShort: isSigned = 0; break;  
rlm@162:     default : isSigned = 1;   
rlm@162:     }
rlm@162:   float frequency = Device->Frequency;
rlm@162:   int bitsPerFrame = (8 * BytesFromDevFmt(Device->FmtType));
rlm@162:   int channels = Device->NumChan;
rlm@162:   jobject format = (*env)->
rlm@162:     NewObject(
rlm@162: 	      env,AudioFormatClass,AudioFormatConstructor,
rlm@162: 	      frequency,
rlm@162: 	      bitsPerFrame,
rlm@162: 	      channels,
rlm@162: 	      isSigned,
rlm@162: 	      0);
rlm@162:   return format;
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@220: ** Boring Device Management Stuff / Memory Cleanup
rlm@162: This code is more-or-less copied verbatim from the other =OpenAL=
rlm@220: Devices. It's the basis for =OpenAL='s primitive object system.
rlm@162: #+name: device-init
rlm@162: #+begin_src C
rlm@162: ////////////////////   Device Initialization / Management
rlm@162: static const ALCchar sendDevice[] = "Multiple Audio Send";
rlm@162: static ALCboolean send_open_playback(ALCdevice *device, 
rlm@162:  const ALCchar *deviceName)
rlm@162: {
rlm@162:   send_data *data;
rlm@162:   // stop any buffering for stdout, so that I can 
rlm@162:   // see the printf statements in my terminal immediately
rlm@162:   setbuf(stdout, NULL);
rlm@162:   if(!deviceName)
rlm@162:     deviceName = sendDevice;
rlm@162:   else if(strcmp(deviceName, sendDevice) != 0)
rlm@162:     return ALC_FALSE;
rlm@162:   data = (send_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(*data));
rlm@162:   device->szDeviceName = strdup(deviceName);
rlm@162:   device->ExtraData = data;
rlm@162:   return ALC_TRUE;
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: static void send_close_playback(ALCdevice *device)
rlm@162: {
rlm@162:   send_data *data = (send_data*)device->ExtraData;
rlm@162:   alcMakeContextCurrent(NULL);
rlm@162:   ALuint i;
rlm@162:   // Destroy all slave contexts. LWJGL will take care of 
rlm@162:   // its own context.
rlm@162:   for (i = 1; i < data->numContexts; i++){
rlm@162:     context_data *ctxData = data->contexts[i];
rlm@162:     alcDestroyContext(ctxData->ctx);
rlm@162:     free(ctxData->renderBuffer);
rlm@162:     free(ctxData);
rlm@162:   }
rlm@162:   free(data);
rlm@162:   device->ExtraData = NULL;
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: static ALCboolean send_reset_playback(ALCdevice *device)
rlm@162: {
rlm@162:   SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(device);
rlm@162:   return ALC_TRUE;
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: static void send_stop_playback(ALCdevice *Device){
rlm@162:   UNUSED(Device);
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: static const BackendFuncs send_funcs = {
rlm@162:   send_open_playback,
rlm@162:   send_close_playback,
rlm@162:   send_reset_playback,
rlm@162:   send_stop_playback,
rlm@162:   NULL,
rlm@162:   NULL,  /* These would be filled with functions to    */
rlm@162:   NULL,  /* handle capturing audio if we we into that  */
rlm@162:   NULL,  /* sort of thing...                           */
rlm@162:   NULL,
rlm@162:   NULL
rlm@162: };
rlm@162: ALCboolean alc_send_init(BackendFuncs *func_list){
rlm@162:   *func_list = send_funcs;
rlm@162:   return ALC_TRUE;
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: void alc_send_deinit(void){}
rlm@162: void alc_send_probe(enum DevProbe type)
rlm@162: {
rlm@162:   switch(type)
rlm@162:     {
rlm@162:     case DEVICE_PROBE:
rlm@162:       AppendDeviceList(sendDevice);
rlm@162:       break;
rlm@162:     case ALL_DEVICE_PROBE:
rlm@162:       AppendAllDeviceList(sendDevice);
rlm@162:       break;
rlm@162:     case CAPTURE_DEVICE_PROBE:
rlm@162:       break;
rlm@162:     }
rlm@162: }
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: * The Java interface, =AudioSend=
rlm@162: The Java interface to the Send Device follows naturally from the JNI
rlm@220: definitions. The only thing here of note is the =deviceID=. This is
rlm@220: available from LWJGL, but to only way to get it is with reflection.
rlm@220: Unfortunately, there is no other way to control the Send device than
rlm@220: to obtain a pointer to it.
rlm@220: #+include: "../../audio-send/java/src/com/aurellem/send/AudioSend.java" src java 
rlm@220: * The Java Audio Renderer, =AudioSendRenderer=
rlm@220: #+include: "../../jmeCapture/src/com/aurellem/capture/audio/AudioSendRenderer.java" src java
rlm@220: The =AudioSendRenderer= is a modified version of the
rlm@220: =LwjglAudioRenderer= which implements the =MultiListener= interface to
rlm@220: provide access and creation of more than one =Listener= object.
rlm@220: ** MultiListener.java
rlm@220: #+include: "../../jmeCapture/src/com/aurellem/capture/audio/MultiListener.java" src java
rlm@220: ** SoundProcessors are like SceneProcessors
rlm@306: A =SoundProcessor= is analogous to a =SceneProcessor=. Every frame, the
rlm@306: =SoundProcessor= registered with a given =Listener= receives the
rlm@220: rendered sound data and can do whatever processing it wants with it.
rlm@220: #+include "../../jmeCapture/src/com/aurellem/capture/audio/SoundProcessor.java" src java  
rlm@162: * Finally, Ears in clojure! 
rlm@220: Now that the =C= and =Java= infrastructure is complete, the clojure
rlm@220: hearing abstraction is simple and closely parallels the [[./vision.org][vision]]
rlm@220: abstraction.
rlm@220: ** Hearing Pipeline
rlm@273: All sound rendering is done in the CPU, so =hearing-pipeline= is
rlm@306: much less complicated than =vision-pipeline= The bytes available in
rlm@220: the ByteBuffer obtained from the =send= Device have different meanings
rlm@306: dependent upon the particular hardware or your system.  That is why
rlm@220: the =AudioFormat= object is necessary to provide the meaning that the
rlm@273: raw bytes lack. =byteBuffer->pulse-vector= uses the excellent
rlm@220: conversion facilities from [[http://www.tritonus.org/ ][tritonus]] ([[http://tritonus.sourceforge.net/apidoc/org/tritonus/share/sampled/FloatSampleTools.html#byte2floatInterleaved%2528byte%5B%5D,%2520int,%2520float%5B%5D,%2520int,%2520int,%2520javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat%2529][javadoc]]) to generate a clojure vector of
rlm@220: floats which represent the linear PCM encoded waveform of the
rlm@220: sound. With linear PCM (pulse code modulation) -1.0 represents maximum
rlm@220: rarefaction of the air while 1.0 represents maximum compression of the
rlm@220: air at a given instant.
rlm@221: #+name: hearing-pipeline
rlm@162: #+begin_src clojure
rlm@220: (in-ns 'cortex.hearing)
rlm@220: (defn hearing-pipeline
rlm@220:   "Creates a SoundProcessor which wraps a sound processing
rlm@220:   continuation function. The continuation is a function that takes
rlm@220:   [#^ByteBuffer b #^Integer int numSamples #^AudioFormat af ], each of which
rlm@306:   has already been appropriately sized."
rlm@162:   [continuation]
rlm@162:   (proxy [SoundProcessor] []
rlm@162:     (cleanup [])
rlm@162:     (process
rlm@162:       [#^ByteBuffer audioSamples numSamples #^AudioFormat audioFormat]
rlm@220:       (continuation audioSamples numSamples audioFormat))))
rlm@220: (defn byteBuffer->pulse-vector
rlm@220:   "Extract the sound samples from the byteBuffer as a PCM encoded
rlm@220:    waveform with values ranging from -1.0 to 1.0 into a vector of
rlm@220:    floats." 
rlm@220:   [#^ByteBuffer audioSamples numSamples #^AudioFormat audioFormat]
rlm@220:   (let [num-floats (/ numSamples  (.getFrameSize audioFormat))
rlm@220:         bytes  (byte-array numSamples)
rlm@220:         floats (float-array num-floats)]
rlm@220:     (.get audioSamples bytes 0 numSamples)
rlm@220:     (FloatSampleTools/byte2floatInterleaved
rlm@220:      bytes 0 floats 0 num-floats audioFormat)
rlm@220:     (vec floats)))
rlm@220: #+end_src
rlm@220: ** Physical Ears
rlm@220: Together, these three functions define how ears found in a specially
rlm@220: prepared blender file will be translated to =Listener= objects in a
rlm@273: simulation. =ears= extracts all the children of to top level node
rlm@472: named "ears". =add-ear!= and =update-listener-velocity!= use
rlm@273: =bind-sense= to bind a =Listener= object located at the initial
rlm@220: position of an "ear" node to the closest physical object in the
rlm@220: creature. That =Listener= will stay in the same orientation to the
rlm@220: object with which it is bound, just as the camera in the [[http://aurellem.localhost/cortex/html/sense.html#sec-4-1][sense binding
rlm@472: demonstration]]. =OpenAL= simulates the Doppler effect for moving
rlm@273: listeners, =update-listener-velocity!= ensures that this velocity
rlm@220: information is always up-to-date.
rlm@221: #+name: hearing-ears
rlm@220: #+begin_src clojure
rlm@317: (def
rlm@317:   ^{:doc "Return the children of the creature's \"ears\" node."
rlm@317:     :arglists '([creature])}
rlm@164:   ears
rlm@317:   (sense-nodes "ears"))
rlm@163: (defn update-listener-velocity!
rlm@162:   "Update the listener's velocity every update loop."
rlm@162:   [#^Spatial obj #^Listener lis]
rlm@162:   (let [old-position (atom (.getLocation lis))]
rlm@162:     (.addControl
rlm@162:      obj
rlm@162:      (proxy [AbstractControl] []
rlm@162:        (controlUpdate [tpf]
rlm@162:          (let [new-position (.getLocation lis)]
rlm@162:            (.setVelocity
rlm@162:             lis 
rlm@162:             (.mult (.subtract new-position @old-position)
rlm@162:                    (float (/ tpf))))
rlm@162:            (reset! old-position new-position)))
rlm@162:        (controlRender [_ _])))))
rlm@169: (defn add-ear!  
rlm@164:   "Create a Listener centered on the current position of 'ear 
rlm@164:    which follows the closest physical node in 'creature and 
rlm@164:    sends sound data to 'continuation."
rlm@162:   [#^Application world #^Node creature #^Spatial ear continuation]
rlm@162:   (let [target (closest-node creature ear)
rlm@162:         lis (Listener.)
rlm@162:         audio-renderer (.getAudioRenderer world)
rlm@220:         sp (hearing-pipeline continuation)]
rlm@162:     (.setLocation lis (.getWorldTranslation ear))
rlm@162:     (.setRotation lis (.getWorldRotation ear))
rlm@162:     (bind-sense target lis)
rlm@163:     (update-listener-velocity! target lis)
rlm@162:     (.addListener audio-renderer lis)
rlm@162:     (.registerSoundProcessor audio-renderer lis sp)))
rlm@220: #+end_src
rlm@220: ** Ear Creation
rlm@221: #+name: hearing-kernel
rlm@220: #+begin_src clojure
rlm@220: (defn hearing-kernel
rlm@306:   "Returns a function which returns auditory sensory data when called
rlm@164:    inside a running simulation."
rlm@162:   [#^Node creature #^Spatial ear]
rlm@164:   (let [hearing-data (atom [])
rlm@164:         register-listener!
rlm@164:         (runonce 
rlm@164:          (fn [#^Application world]
rlm@169:            (add-ear!
rlm@164:             world creature ear
rlm@220:             (comp #(reset! hearing-data %)
rlm@220:                   byteBuffer->pulse-vector))))]
rlm@164:     (fn [#^Application world]
rlm@164:       (register-listener! world)
rlm@164:       (let [data @hearing-data
rlm@164:             topology              
rlm@220:             (vec (map #(vector % 0) (range 0 (count data))))]
rlm@220:         [topology data]))))
rlm@163: (defn hearing!
rlm@164:   "Endow the creature in a particular world with the sense of
rlm@164:    hearing. Will return a sequence of functions, one for each ear,
rlm@164:    which when called will return the auditory data from that ear."
rlm@162:   [#^Node creature]
rlm@164:   (for [ear (ears creature)]
rlm@220:     (hearing-kernel creature ear)))
rlm@220: #+end_src
rlm@273: Each function returned by =hearing-kernel!= will register a new
rlm@220: =Listener= with the simulation the first time it is called.  Each time
rlm@220: it is called, the hearing-function will return a vector of linear PCM
rlm@220: encoded sound data that was heard since the last frame. The size of
rlm@220: this vector is of course determined by the overall framerate of the
rlm@220: game. With a constant framerate of 60 frames per second and a sampling
rlm@220: frequency of 44,100 samples per second, the vector will have exactly
rlm@220: 735 elements.
rlm@220: ** Visualizing Hearing
rlm@306: This is a simple visualization function which displays the waveform
rlm@220: reported by the simulated sense of hearing. It converts the values
rlm@220: reported in the vector returned by the hearing function from the range
rlm@220: [-1.0, 1.0] to the range [0 255], converts to integer, and displays
rlm@220: the number as a greyscale pixel.
rlm@221: #+name: hearing-display
rlm@220: #+begin_src clojure
rlm@221: (in-ns 'cortex.hearing)
rlm@189: (defn view-hearing
rlm@189:   "Creates a function which accepts a list of auditory data and
rlm@189:    display each element of the list to the screen as an image."
rlm@189:   []
rlm@189:   (view-sense
rlm@189:    (fn [[coords sensor-data]]
rlm@220:      (let [pixel-data 
rlm@220:            (vec
rlm@220:             (map
rlm@220:              #(rem (int (* 255 (/ (+ 1 %) 2))) 256)
rlm@220:              sensor-data))
rlm@220:            height 50
rlm@221:            image (BufferedImage. (max 1 (count coords)) height
rlm@189:                                  BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)]
rlm@189:        (dorun
rlm@189:         (for [x (range (count coords))]
rlm@189:           (dorun
rlm@189:            (for [y (range height)]
rlm@220:              (let [raw-sensor (pixel-data x)]
rlm@189:                (.setRGB image x y (gray raw-sensor)))))))
rlm@189:        image))))
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@220: * Testing Hearing
rlm@220: ** Advanced Java Example
rlm@220: I wrote a test case in Java that demonstrates the use of the Java
rlm@220: components of this hearing system. It is part of a larger java library
rlm@220: to capture perfect Audio from jMonkeyEngine. Some of the clojure
rlm@220: constructs above are partially reiterated in the java source file. But
rlm@220: first, the video! As far as I know this is the first instance of
rlm@220: multiple simulated listeners in a virtual environment using OpenAL.
rlm@220: #+begin_html
rlm@220: <div class="figure">
rlm@220: <center>
rlm@220: <video controls="controls" width="500">
rlm@220:   <source src="../video/java-hearing-test.ogg" type="video/ogg"
rlm@220: 	  preload="none" poster="../images/aurellem-1280x480.png" />
rlm@220: </video>
rlm@309:  <br> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCEfK0yhDrY"> YouTube </a>
rlm@220: </center>
rlm@224: <p>The blue sphere is emitting a constant sound. Each gray box is
rlm@224:   listening for sound, and will change color from gray to green if it
rlm@220:   detects sound which is louder than a certain threshold. As the blue
rlm@220:   sphere travels along the path, it excites each of the cubes in turn.</p>
rlm@220: </div>
rlm@220: #+end_html
rlm@328: #+include: "../../jmeCapture/src/com/aurellem/capture/examples/Advanced.java" src java  
rlm@220: Here is a small clojure program to drive the java program and make it
rlm@220: available as part of my test suite.
rlm@221: #+name: test-hearing-1
rlm@220: #+begin_src clojure
rlm@220: (in-ns 'cortex.test.hearing)
rlm@220: (defn test-java-hearing
rlm@162:   "Testing hearing:
rlm@162:    You should see a blue sphere flying around several
rlm@162:    cubes.  As the sphere approaches each cube, it turns
rlm@162:    green."
rlm@162:   []
rlm@162:   (doto (com.aurellem.capture.examples.Advanced.)
rlm@162:     (.setSettings
rlm@162:      (doto (AppSettings. true)
rlm@162:        (.setAudioRenderer "Send")))
rlm@162:     (.setShowSettings false)
rlm@162:     (.setPauseOnLostFocus false)))
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@220: ** Adding Hearing to the Worm
rlm@221: To the worm, I add a new node called "ears" with one child which
rlm@221: represents the worm's single ear.
rlm@221: #+attr_html: width=755
rlm@221: #+caption: The Worm with a newly added nodes describing an ear.
rlm@221: [[../images/worm-with-ear.png]]
rlm@221: The node highlighted in yellow it the top-level "ears" node. It's
rlm@221: child, highlighted in orange, represents a the single ear the creature
rlm@221: has. The ear will be localized right above the curved part of the
rlm@221: worm's lower hemispherical region opposite the eye.  
rlm@221: The other empty nodes represent the worm's single joint and eye and are
rlm@221: described in [[./body.org][body]] and [[./vision.org][vision]].
rlm@221: #+name: test-hearing-2
rlm@221: #+begin_src clojure 
rlm@221: (in-ns 'cortex.test.hearing)
rlm@283: (defn test-worm-hearing
rlm@321:   "Testing hearing:
rlm@321:    You will see the worm fall onto a table.  There is a long
rlm@321:    horizontal bar which shows the waveform of whatever the worm is
rlm@321:    hearing. When you play a sound, the bar should display a waveform.
rlm@321:    Keys:
rlm@340:    <enter> : play sound
rlm@340:        l   : play hymn"
rlm@283:   ([] (test-worm-hearing false))
rlm@283:   ([record?] 
rlm@283:      (let [the-worm (doto (worm) (body!))
rlm@283:            hearing (hearing! the-worm)
rlm@283:            hearing-display (view-hearing)
rlm@283:            tone (AudioNode. (asset-manager)
rlm@283:                             "Sounds/pure.wav" false)
rlm@283:            hymn (AudioNode. (asset-manager) 
rlm@283:                             "Sounds/ear-and-eye.wav" false)]
rlm@283:        (world
rlm@283:         (nodify [the-worm (floor)])
rlm@283:         (merge standard-debug-controls
rlm@283:                {"key-return"
rlm@283:                 (fn [_ value]
rlm@283:                   (if value (.play tone)))
rlm@283:                 "key-l"
rlm@283:                 (fn [_ value]
rlm@283:                   (if value (.play hymn)))})
rlm@283:         (fn [world]
rlm@283:           (light-up-everything world)
rlm@340:           (let [timer (IsoTimer. 60)]
rlm@340:             (.setTimer world timer)
rlm@340:             (display-dilated-time world timer))
rlm@283:           (if record?
rlm@283:             (do 
rlm@283:               (com.aurellem.capture.Capture/captureVideo
rlm@283:                world
rlm@340:                (File. "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-audio/frames"))
rlm@283:               (com.aurellem.capture.Capture/captureAudio
rlm@283:                world
rlm@340:                (File. "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-audio/audio.wav")))))
rlm@283:         (fn [world tpf]
rlm@283:           (hearing-display
rlm@283:            (map #(% world) hearing)
rlm@283:            (if record?
rlm@283:              (File. "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-audio/hearing-data"))))))))
rlm@221: #+end_src
rlm@340: #+results: test-hearing-2
rlm@340: : #'cortex.test.hearing/test-worm-hearing
rlm@221: In this test, I load the worm with its newly formed ear and let it
rlm@221: hear sounds. The sound the worm is hearing is localized to the origin
rlm@221: of the world, and you can see that as the worm moves farther away from
rlm@221: the origin when it is hit by balls, it hears the sound less intensely.
rlm@221: The sound you hear in the video is from the worm's perspective. Notice
rlm@221: how the pure tone becomes fainter and the visual display of the
rlm@221: auditory data becomes less pronounced as the worm falls farther away
rlm@221: from the source of the sound.
rlm@221: #+begin_html
rlm@221: <div class="figure">
rlm@221: <center>
rlm@221: <video controls="controls" width="600">
rlm@221:   <source src="../video/worm-hearing.ogg" type="video/ogg"
rlm@221: 	  preload="none" poster="../images/aurellem-1280x480.png" />
rlm@221: </video>
rlm@309: <br> <a href="http://youtu.be/KLUtV1TNksI"> YouTube </a>
rlm@221: </center>
rlm@221: <p>The worm can now hear the sound pulses produced from the
rlm@221:   hymn. Notice the strikingly different pattern that human speech
rlm@306:   makes compared to the instruments. Once the worm is pushed off the
rlm@221:   floor, the sound it hears is attenuated, and the display of the
rlm@306:   sound it hears becomes fainter. This shows the 3D localization of
rlm@221:   sound in this world.</p>
rlm@221: </div>
rlm@221: #+end_html
rlm@221: *** Creating the Ear Video
rlm@221: #+name: magick-3
rlm@221: #+begin_src clojure
rlm@221: (ns cortex.video.magick3
rlm@221:   (:import java.io.File)
rlm@316:   (:use clojure.java.shell))
rlm@221: (defn images [path]
rlm@221:   (sort (rest (file-seq (File. path)))))
rlm@221: (def base "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-audio/")
rlm@221: (defn pics [file]
rlm@221:   (images (str base file)))
rlm@221: (defn combine-images []
rlm@221:   (let [main-view (pics "frames")
rlm@221:         hearing (pics "hearing-data")
rlm@221:         background (repeat 9001 (File. (str base "background.png")))
rlm@221:         targets (map
rlm@221:                  #(File. (str base "out/" (format "%07d.png" %)))
rlm@221:                  (range 0 (count main-view)))]
rlm@221:     (dorun
rlm@221:      (pmap
rlm@221:       (comp
rlm@221:        (fn [[background main-view hearing target]]
rlm@221:          (println target)
rlm@221:          (sh "convert"
rlm@221:              background
rlm@221:              main-view "-geometry" "+66+21"   "-composite"
rlm@221:              hearing   "-geometry" "+21+526"  "-composite"
rlm@221:              target))
rlm@221:        (fn [& args] (map #(.getCanonicalPath %) args)))
rlm@221:       background main-view hearing targets))))
rlm@221: #+end_src
rlm@311: #+begin_src sh :results silent
rlm@221: cd /home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-audio
rlm@221: ffmpeg -r 60 -i out/%07d.png -i audio.wav \
rlm@221:        -b:a 128k  -b:v 9001k \
rlm@311:        -c:a libvorbis -c:v -g 60 libtheora worm-hearing.ogg 
rlm@221: #+end_src
rlm@220: * Headers
rlm@220: #+name: hearing-header
rlm@220: #+begin_src clojure
rlm@220: (ns cortex.hearing
rlm@220:   "Simulate the sense of hearing in jMonkeyEngine3. Enables multiple
rlm@220:   listeners at different positions in the same world. Automatically
rlm@220:   reads ear-nodes from specially prepared blender files and
rlm@221:   instantiates them in the world as simulated ears."
rlm@220:   {:author "Robert McIntyre"}
rlm@220:   (:use (cortex world util sense))
rlm@220:   (:import java.nio.ByteBuffer)
rlm@220:   (:import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
rlm@220:   (:import org.tritonus.share.sampled.FloatSampleTools)
rlm@220:   (:import (com.aurellem.capture.audio
rlm@220:             SoundProcessor AudioSendRenderer))
rlm@220:   (:import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat)
rlm@220:   (:import (com.jme3.scene Spatial Node))
rlm@220:   (:import com.jme3.audio.Listener)
rlm@220:   (:import com.jme3.app.Application)
rlm@220:   (:import com.jme3.scene.control.AbstractControl))
rlm@220: #+end_src
rlm@221: #+name: test-header
rlm@220: #+begin_src clojure
rlm@220: (ns cortex.test.hearing
rlm@283:   (:use (cortex world util hearing body))
rlm@221:   (:use cortex.test.body)
rlm@220:   (:import (com.jme3.audio AudioNode Listener))
rlm@283:   (:import java.io.File)
rlm@220:   (:import com.jme3.scene.Node
rlm@283: 	   com.jme3.system.AppSettings
rlm@340:            com.jme3.math.Vector3f)
rlm@340:   (:import (com.aurellem.capture Capture IsoTimer RatchetTimer)))
rlm@220: #+end_src
rlm@340: #+results: test-header
rlm@340: : com.aurellem.capture.RatchetTimer
rlm@222: * Source Listing
rlm@222:   - [[../src/cortex/hearing.clj][cortex.hearing]]
rlm@222:   - [[../src/cortex/test/hearing.clj][cortex.test.hearing]]
rlm@222: #+html: <ul> <li> <a href="../org/hearing.org">This org file</a> </li> </ul>
rlm@222:   - [[http://hg.bortreb.com ][source-repository]]
rlm@220: * Next
rlm@222:   The worm can see and hear, but it can't feel the world or
rlm@222:   itself. Next post, I'll give the worm a [[./touch.org][sense of touch]].
rlm@162: * COMMENT Code Generation
rlm@163: #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/hearing.clj
rlm@220: <<hearing-header>>
rlm@221: <<hearing-pipeline>>
rlm@221: <<hearing-ears>>
rlm@221: <<hearing-kernel>>
rlm@221: <<hearing-display>>
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/test/hearing.clj
rlm@221: <<test-header>>
rlm@221: <<test-hearing-1>>
rlm@221: <<test-hearing-2>>
rlm@221: #+end_src
rlm@221: #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/video/magick3.clj
rlm@221: <<magick-3>>
rlm@162: #+end_src
rlm@162: #+begin_src C :tangle ../../audio-send/Alc/backends/send.c
rlm@162: <<send-header>>
rlm@162: <<send-state>>
rlm@162: <<sync-macros>>
rlm@162: <<sync-sources>>
rlm@162: <<sync-contexts>>
rlm@162: <<context-creation>>
rlm@162: <<context-switching>>
rlm@162: <<main-loop>>
rlm@162: <<jni-step>>
rlm@162: <<jni-get-samples>>
rlm@162: <<listener-manage>>
rlm@162: <<jni-init>>
rlm@162: <<device-init>>
rlm@162: #+end_src