rlm@422: % -*-latex-*- rlm@422: % rlm@422: % For questions, comments, concerns or complaints: rlm@422: % thesis@mit.edu rlm@422: % rlm@422: % rlm@422: % $Log: cover.tex,v $ rlm@422: % Revision 1.8 2008/05/13 15:02:15 jdreed rlm@422: % Degree month is June, not May. Added note about prevdegrees. rlm@422: % Arthur Smith's title updated rlm@422: % rlm@422: % Revision 1.7 2001/02/08 18:53:16 boojum rlm@422: % changed some \newpages to \cleardoublepages rlm@422: % rlm@422: % Revision 1.6 1999/10/21 14:49:31 boojum rlm@422: % changed comment referring to documentstyle rlm@422: % rlm@422: % Revision 1.5 1999/10/21 14:39:04 boojum rlm@422: % *** empty log message *** rlm@422: % rlm@422: % Revision 1.4 1997/04/18 17:54:10 othomas rlm@422: % added page numbers on abstract and cover, and made 1 abstract rlm@422: % page the default rather than 2. (anne hunter tells me this rlm@422: % is the new institute standard.) rlm@422: % rlm@422: % Revision 1.4 1997/04/18 17:54:10 othomas rlm@422: % added page numbers on abstract and cover, and made 1 abstract rlm@422: % page the default rather than 2. (anne hunter tells me this rlm@422: % is the new institute standard.) rlm@422: % rlm@422: % Revision 1.3 93/05/17 17:06:29 starflt rlm@422: % Added acknowledgements section (suggested by tompalka) rlm@422: % rlm@422: % Revision 1.2 92/04/22 13:13:13 epeisach rlm@422: % Fixes for 1991 course 6 requirements rlm@422: % Phrase "and to grant others the right to do so" has been added to rlm@422: % permission clause rlm@422: % Second copy of abstract is not counted as separate pages so numbering works rlm@422: % out rlm@422: % rlm@422: % Revision 1.1 92/04/22 13:08:20 epeisach rlm@422: rlm@422: % NOTE: rlm@422: % These templates make an effort to conform to the MIT Thesis specifications, rlm@422: % however the specifications can change. We recommend that you verify the rlm@422: % layout of your title page with your thesis advisor and/or the MIT rlm@422: % Libraries before printing your final copy. rlm@424: \title{CORTEX : A Virtual World for Sensate AI} rlm@429: \author{Robert Louis M\raisebox{\depth}{\small \underline{\underline{c}}}Intyre} rlm@429: %\author{Robert McIntyre} rlm@422: rlm@429: rlm@429: rlm@422: % If you wish to list your previous degrees on the cover page, use the rlm@422: % previous degrees command: rlm@422: % \prevdegrees{A.A., Harvard University (1985)} rlm@422: % You can use the \\ command to list multiple previous degrees rlm@422: % \prevdegrees{B.S., University of California (1978) \\ rlm@422: % S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1981)} rlm@422: \department{Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science} rlm@422: rlm@422: % If the thesis is for two degrees simultaneously, list them both rlm@422: % separated by \and like this: rlm@422: % \degree{Doctor of Philosophy \and Master of Science} rlm@424: \degree{Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer rlm@424: Science} rlm@422: rlm@422: % As of the 2007-08 academic year, valid degree months are September, rlm@422: % February, or June. The default is June. rlm@422: \degreemonth{June} rlm@424: \degreeyear{2014} rlm@424: \thesisdate{May 23, 2014} rlm@422: rlm@422: %% By default, the thesis will be copyrighted to MIT. If you need to copyright rlm@422: %% the thesis to yourself, just specify the `vi' documentclass option. If for rlm@422: %% some reason you want to exactly specify the copyright notice text, you can rlm@422: %% use the \copyrightnoticetext command. rlm@422: %\copyrightnoticetext{\copyright IBM, 1990. Do not open till Xmas.} rlm@422: rlm@422: % If there is more than one supervisor, use the \supervisor command rlm@422: % once for each. rlm@424: \supervisor{Patrick H. Winston}{Ford Professor of Artificial rlm@424: Intelligence and Computer Science} rlm@422: rlm@422: % This is the department committee chairman, not the thesis committee rlm@422: % chairman. You should replace this with your Department's Committee rlm@422: % Chairman. rlm@424: \chairman{Prof. Albert R. Meyer}{Chairman, Masters of Engineering rlm@424: Thesis Committee} rlm@422: rlm@422: % Make the titlepage based on the above information. If you need rlm@422: % something special and can't use the standard form, you can specify rlm@422: % the exact text of the titlepage yourself. Put it in a titlepage rlm@422: % environment and leave blank lines where you want vertical space. rlm@422: % The spaces will be adjusted to fill the entire page. The dotted rlm@422: % lines for the signatures are made with the \signature command. rlm@422: \maketitle rlm@422: rlm@422: % The abstractpage environment sets up everything on the page except rlm@422: % the text itself. The title and other header material are put at the rlm@422: % top of the page, and the supervisors are listed at the bottom. A rlm@422: % new page is begun both before and after. Of course, an abstract may rlm@422: % be more than one page itself. If you need more control over the rlm@422: % format of the page, you can use the abstract environment, which puts rlm@422: % the word "Abstract" at the beginning and single spaces its text. rlm@422: rlm@422: %% You can either \input (*not* \include) your abstract file, or you can put rlm@422: %% the text of the abstract directly between the \begin{abstractpage} and rlm@422: %% \end{abstractpage} commands. rlm@422: rlm@422: % First copy: start a new page, and save the page number. rlm@422: \cleardoublepage rlm@422: % Uncomment the next line if you do NOT want a page number on your rlm@422: % abstract and acknowledgments pages. rlm@422: \pagestyle{empty} rlm@422: \setcounter{savepage}{\thepage} rlm@422: \begin{abstractpage} rlm@422: \input{abstract} rlm@422: \end{abstractpage} rlm@422: rlm@422: % Additional copy: start a new page, and reset the page number. This way, rlm@422: % the second copy of the abstract is not counted as separate pages. rlm@422: % Uncomment the next 6 lines if you need two copies of the abstract rlm@422: % page. rlm@422: % \setcounter{page}{\thesavepage} rlm@422: % \begin{abstractpage} rlm@422: % \input{abstract} rlm@422: % \end{abstractpage} rlm@422: rlm@429: %% \cleardoublepage rlm@422: rlm@429: %% \section*{Acknowledgments} rlm@422: rlm@429: %% This is the acknowledgements section. You should replace this with your rlm@429: %% own acknowledgements. rlm@422: rlm@422: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% rlm@422: % -*-latex-*-