log org/integration.org

age author description
2013-06-07 Robert McIntyre add documentation for integration test.
2013-06-06 Robert McIntyre removed dependency on swank, which had silently bit rotted. Restored functionality of mege-import-jme3.
2012-02-28 Robert McIntyre replaced clojure.contrib.shell-out with clojure.java.shell
2012-02-28 Robert McIntyre fixed typo in body.org
2012-02-21 Robert McIntyre re-encoded all videos and fixed all bad keyframes
2012-02-18 Robert McIntyre added/verified YouTube backup links for all videos.
2012-02-18 Robert McIntyre massive spellchecking
2012-02-17 Robert McIntyre added winston letter, corrected source listing for integration
2012-02-17 Robert McIntyre added source listing
2012-02-17 Robert McIntyre created first version of the video which demonstrates all the senses
2012-02-17 Robert McIntyre rendering video for the first time!
2012-02-17 Robert McIntyre still working on video generation