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author Robert McIntyre <>
date Fri, 21 Mar 2014 00:08:49 -0400
line wrap: on
line source
1 To comment out part of an entry in BibTeX, you can use:
3 @Comment{body of text}
5 If you wish to comment out the entire entry, just remove the @ sign in
6 front of the entry type (i.e., get rid of the '@' in "@Book").
8 *************************************************************************
10 You can specify fixed strings (say if you needed to use it multiple
11 times in your BibTeX file) with the @String command:
13 @String(Leslie-Lamport = {Leslie Lamport})
15 and then you could use it in various entries:
17 @Book{latex,
18 Author = Leslie-Lamport,
19 Title = "\LaTeX",
20 ...
21 Year = "1993"}
23 *************************************************************************
25 The required fields are not prefaced with OPT. Those that are optional
26 *are* prefaced with OPT (remember to delete those three characters should
27 you wish to use those fields).
29 [Note:
30 For most entry types the "author" information is simply the AUTHOR
31 field. However: For the @Book and @Inbook entry types it's the AUTHOR
32 field, but if there's no author then it's the EDITOR field; for the
33 @Manual entry type it's the AUTHOR field, but if there's no author then
34 it's the ORGANIZATION field; and for the @Proceedings entry type it's
35 the EDITOR filed, but if there's no editor then it's the ORGANIZATION
36 field.]
38 To use this, just have your main.tex specify the following:
40 \bibliography{main}
41 \bibliographystyle{plain}
43 There are several options for bibliographystyle:
45 plain normal style - listed in ABC order and labeled numerically
46 unsrt same as plain except entries appear in order of citation
47 alpha same as plain except entry labels are used
48 abbrv same as plain except uses abbreviations for first names,
49 month names, and journal names
51 Now that you have the basis for a bibliography, you have to run both
52 latex and bibtex on the document. First, you should run latex (to
53 create a foo.aux file, which bibtex reads). Then run bibtex once to get
54 some of the citations and create a .bbl file. Then run latex again so
55 that the cross references between the text file and the bibliography are
56 correct. You may want to repeat running bibtex and latex on the file to
57 make sure that all cross references are correct. Be warned that
58 adding/deleting citations and sources will require running bibtex again.
60 For more information on this topic, please refer the following pages in
61 the LaTeX manual by Leslie Lamport:
63 72-74 Bibliography and Citation
64 74-74 BibTeX
65 140-147 Format of the .bib File (also gives info on other entry types) 187-188 Bibliography and Citation
67 ----------------------------------------