view org/ @ 169:94b79c191fc7

renamed some functions in
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2012 04:23:32 -0700
parents 1c8e9d389ea4
children 1a00b4918529
line wrap: on
line source
1 #+title: Simulated Sense of Sight
2 #+author: Robert McIntyre
3 #+email:
4 #+description: Simulated sight for AI research using JMonkeyEngine3 and clojure
5 #+keywords: computer vision, jMonkeyEngine3, clojure
6 #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/
7 #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/
8 #+babel: :mkdirp yes :noweb yes :exports both
10 * Vision
12 I want to make creatures with eyes. Each eye can be independely moved
13 and should see its own version of the world depending on where it is.
15 Here's how vision will work.
17 Make the continuation in scene-processor take FrameBuffer,
18 byte-buffer, BufferedImage already sized to the correct
19 dimensions. the continuation will decide wether to "mix" them
20 into the BufferedImage, lazily ignore them, or mix them halfway
21 and call c/graphics card routines.
23 (vision creature) will take an optional :skip argument which will
24 inform the continuations in scene processor to skip the given
25 number of cycles 0 means that no cycles will be skipped.
27 (vision creature) will return [init-functions sensor-functions].
28 The init-functions are each single-arg functions that take the
29 world and register the cameras and must each be called before the
30 corresponding sensor-functions. Each init-function returns the
31 viewport for that eye which can be manipulated, saved, etc. Each
32 sensor-function is a thunk and will return data in the same
33 format as the tactile-sensor functions the structure is
34 [topology, sensor-data]. Internally, these sensor-functions
35 maintain a reference to sensor-data which is periodically updated
36 by the continuation function established by its init-function.
37 They can be queried every cycle, but their information may not
38 necessairly be different every cycle.
40 Each eye in the creature in blender will work the same way as
41 joints -- a zero dimensional object with no geometry whose local
42 coordinate system determines the orientation of the resulting
43 eye. All eyes will have a parent named "eyes" just as all joints
44 have a parent named "joints". The resulting camera will be a
45 ChaseCamera or a CameraNode bound to the geo that is closest to
46 the eye marker. The eye marker will contain the metadata for the
47 eye, and will be moved by it's bound geometry. The dimensions of
48 the eye's camera are equal to the dimensions of the eye's "UV"
49 map.
51 #+name: eyes
52 #+begin_src clojure
53 (ns
54 "Simulate the sense of vision in jMonkeyEngine3. Enables multiple
55 eyes from different positions to observe the same world, and pass
56 the observed data to any arbitray function."
57 {:author "Robert McIntyre"}
58 (:use (cortex world sense util))
59 (:use clojure.contrib.def)
60 (:import
61 (:import (com.jme3.util BufferUtils Screenshots))
62 (:import java.nio.ByteBuffer)
63 (:import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
64 (:import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort)
65 (:import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA)
66 (:import com.jme3.renderer.Renderer)
67 (:import com.jme3.scene.Node))
69 (cortex.import/mega-import-jme3)
72 (defn vision-pipeline
73 "Create a SceneProcessor object which wraps a vision processing
74 continuation function. The continuation is a function that takes
75 [#^Renderer r #^FrameBuffer fb #^ByteBuffer b #^BufferedImage bi],
76 each of which has already been appropiately sized."
77 [continuation]
78 (let [byte-buffer (atom nil)
79 renderer (atom nil)
80 image (atom nil)]
81 (proxy [SceneProcessor] []
82 (initialize
83 [renderManager viewPort]
84 (let [cam (.getCamera viewPort)
85 width (.getWidth cam)
86 height (.getHeight cam)]
87 (reset! renderer (.getRenderer renderManager))
88 (reset! byte-buffer
89 (BufferUtils/createByteBuffer
90 (* width height 4)))
91 (reset! image (BufferedImage.
92 width height
93 BufferedImage/TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR))))
94 (isInitialized [] (not (nil? @byte-buffer)))
95 (reshape [_ _ _])
96 (preFrame [_])
97 (postQueue [_])
98 (postFrame
99 [#^FrameBuffer fb]
100 (.clear @byte-buffer)
101 (continuation @renderer fb @byte-buffer @image))
102 (cleanup []))))
104 (defn frameBuffer->byteBuffer!
105 "Transfer the data in the graphics card (Renderer, FrameBuffer) to
106 the CPU (ByteBuffer)."
107 [#^Renderer r #^FrameBuffer fb #^ByteBuffer bb]
108 (.readFrameBuffer r fb bb) bb)
110 (defn byteBuffer->bufferedImage!
111 "Convert the C-style BGRA image data in the ByteBuffer bb to the AWT
112 style ABGR image data and place it in BufferedImage bi."
113 [#^ByteBuffer bb #^BufferedImage bi]
114 (Screenshots/convertScreenShot bb bi) bi)
116 (defn BufferedImage!
117 "Continuation which will grab the buffered image from the materials
118 provided by (vision-pipeline)."
119 [#^Renderer r #^FrameBuffer fb #^ByteBuffer bb #^BufferedImage bi]
120 (byteBuffer->bufferedImage!
121 (frameBuffer->byteBuffer! r fb bb) bi))
123 (defn add-camera!
124 "Add a camera to the world, calling continuation on every frame
125 produced."
126 [#^Application world camera continuation]
127 (let [width (.getWidth camera)
128 height (.getHeight camera)
129 render-manager (.getRenderManager world)
130 viewport (.createMainView render-manager "eye-view" camera)]
131 (doto viewport
132 (.setClearFlags true true true)
133 (.setBackgroundColor ColorRGBA/Black)
134 (.addProcessor (vision-pipeline continuation))
135 (.attachScene (.getRootNode world)))))
137 (defn retina-sensor-profile
138 "Return a map of pixel selection functions to BufferedImages
139 describing the distribution of light-sensitive components of this
140 eye. Each function creates an integer from the rgb values found in
141 the pixel. :red, :green, :blue, :gray are already defined as
142 extracting the red, green, blue, and average components
143 respectively."
144 [#^Spatial eye]
145 (if-let [eye-map (meta-data eye "eye")]
146 (map-vals
147 load-image
148 (eval (read-string eye-map)))))
150 (defn eye-dimensions
151 "Returns [width, height] specified in the metadata of the eye"
152 [#^Spatial eye]
153 (let [dimensions
154 (map #(vector (.getWidth %) (.getHeight %))
155 (vals (retina-sensor-profile eye)))]
156 [(apply max (map first dimensions))
157 (apply max (map second dimensions))]))
159 (defvar
160 ^{:arglists '([creature])}
161 eyes
162 (sense-nodes "eyes")
163 "Return the children of the creature's \"eyes\" node.")
165 (defn add-eye!
166 "Create a Camera centered on the current position of 'eye which
167 follows the closest physical node in 'creature and sends visual
168 data to 'continuation."
169 [#^Node creature #^Spatial eye]
170 (let [target (closest-node creature eye)
171 [cam-width cam-height] (eye-dimensions eye)
172 cam (Camera. cam-width cam-height)]
173 (.setLocation cam (.getWorldTranslation eye))
174 (.setRotation cam (.getWorldRotation eye))
175 (.setFrustumPerspective
176 cam 45 (/ (.getWidth cam) (.getHeight cam))
177 1 1000)
178 (bind-sense target cam)
179 cam))
181 (def presets
182 {:all 0xFFFFFF
183 :red 0xFF0000
184 :blue 0x0000FF
185 :green 0x00FF00})
187 (defn vision-fn
188 "return [init-function sensor-functions] for a particular eye"
189 [#^Node creature #^Spatial eye & {skip :skip :or {skip 0}}]
190 (let [retinal-map (retina-sensor-profile eye)
191 camera (add-eye! creature eye)
192 vision-image
193 (atom
194 (BufferedImage. (.getWidth camera)
195 (.getHeight camera)
196 BufferedImage/TYPE_BYTE_BINARY))]
197 [(fn [world]
198 (add-camera!
199 world camera
200 (let [counter (atom 0)]
201 (fn [r fb bb bi]
202 (if (zero? (rem (swap! counter inc) (inc skip)))
203 (reset! vision-image (BufferedImage! r fb bb bi)))))))
204 (vec
205 (map
206 (fn [[key image]]
207 (let [whites (white-coordinates image)
208 topology (vec (collapse whites))
209 mask (presets key)]
210 (fn []
211 (vector
212 topology
213 (vec
214 (for [[x y] whites]
215 (bit-and
216 mask (.getRGB @vision-image x y))))))))
217 retinal-map))]))
219 (defn vision
220 [#^Node creature & {skip :skip :or {skip 0}}]
221 (reduce
222 (fn [[init-a senses-a]
223 [init-b senses-b]]
224 [(conj init-a init-b)
225 (into senses-a senses-b)])
226 [[][]]
227 (for [eye (eyes creature)]
228 (vision-fn creature eye))))
231 #+end_src
234 Note the use of continuation passing style for connecting the eye to a
235 function to process the output. You can create any number of eyes, and
236 each of them will see the world from their own =Camera=. Once every
237 frame, the rendered image is copied to a =BufferedImage=, and that
238 data is sent off to the continuation function. Moving the =Camera=
239 which was used to create the eye will change what the eye sees.
241 * Example
243 #+name: test-vision
244 #+begin_src clojure
245 (ns
246 (:use (cortex world util vision))
247 (:import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
248 (:import javax.swing.JPanel)
249 (:import javax.swing.SwingUtilities)
250 (:import java.awt.Dimension)
251 (:import javax.swing.JFrame)
252 (:import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA)
253 (:import com.jme3.scene.Node)
254 (:import com.jme3.math.Vector3f))
256 (defn test-two-eyes
257 "Testing vision:
258 Tests the vision system by creating two views of the same rotating
259 object from different angles and displaying both of those views in
260 JFrames.
262 You should see a rotating cube, and two windows,
263 each displaying a different view of the cube."
264 []
265 (let [candy
266 (box 1 1 1 :physical? false :color ColorRGBA/Blue)]
267 (world
268 (doto (Node.)
269 (.attachChild candy))
270 {}
271 (fn [world]
272 (let [cam (.clone (.getCamera world))
273 width (.getWidth cam)
274 height (.getHeight cam)]
275 (add-camera! world cam
276 ;;no-op
277 (comp (view-image) BufferedImage!)
278 )
279 (add-camera! world
280 (doto (.clone cam)
281 (.setLocation (Vector3f. -10 0 0))
282 (.lookAt Vector3f/ZERO Vector3f/UNIT_Y))
283 ;;no-op
284 (comp (view-image) BufferedImage!))
285 ;; This is here to restore the main view
286 ;; after the other views have completed processing
287 (add-camera! world (.getCamera world) no-op)))
288 (fn [world tpf]
289 (.rotate candy (* tpf 0.2) 0 0)))))
290 #+end_src
292 #+results: test-vision
293 : #'
295 The example code will create two videos of the same rotating object
296 from different angles. It can be used both for stereoscopic vision
297 simulation or for simulating multiple creatures, each with their own
298 sense of vision.
300 - As a neat bonus, this idea behind simulated vision also enables one
301 to [[../../cortex/html/capture-video.html][capture live video feeds from jMonkeyEngine]].
304 * COMMENT code generation
305 #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/vision.clj
306 <<eyes>>
307 #+end_src
309 #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/test/vision.clj
310 <<test-vision>>
311 #+end_src