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author | Robert McIntyre <> |
date | Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:46:05 -0400 (2014-03-30) |
parents | d9128eb5f42e |
children |
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1 * Summary of Senses3 vision -- list of functions which must each be called with4 the world as their argument, each of which returns [topology data]. Each5 element of data is a number between 0 and 255 representing the6 intensity of the light recieved at that sensor. Each element of7 topology is a pair of numbers [x, y] such that numbers whose pairs8 have a short euclidean distance are generally physically close on the9 actual sensor.11 proprioception -- list of nullary functions, one for each joint, which12 return [heding pitch roll].14 movement -- list of functions, one for each muscle, which must be15 called with an integer between 0 and the total number of muscle fibers16 in the muscle. Each function returns a float which is (current-force/17 total-possible-force).19 touch -- list of functions which must each be called with a Node20 (normally the root node of the simulation) the argument, each of which21 returns [topology data]. Each element of data is [length limit] where22 limit is the length of that particular "hair" and length is the amount23 of the hair that has been activated so far. (= limit length) means that24 nothing is touching the hair.27 * A Flower29 A flower is a basic creature that tries to maximize the amount of30 light that it sees. It can have one or more eyes, with one eye being31 "special" in that it is this eye which must recieve maximum light. It32 can have multiple articulated joints and mulcles.34 Want an algorithm that uses the sense data of =vision=35 =proprioception=, and =movement= to maximum benefit in order to look36 at the light source.38 The light source will move from place to place and the flower will39 have to follow it.41 The algorithm should be generalize to any number of eyes and muscles,42 and should become /more/ preformant the more sensory data is43 available.45 I will punt on working out an elegant model of motivation for the46 flower which makes it want to go to the light.48 Maybe I need a motivationless entity first, which just learns how its49 own body works? But then, wouldn't that just be a motivation itself?55 #+name: load-creature56 #+begin_src clojure57 (in-ns 'cortex.joint)59 (def joint "Models/joint/joint.blend")61 (defn joint-creature []62 (load-blender-model joint))64 (defn test-joint-creature []65 (let [me (sphere 0.5 :color ColorRGBA/Blue :physical? false)66 creature (doto (joint-creature) (body!))68 ;;;;;;;;;;;; Sensors/Effectors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;69 touch (touch! creature)70 touch-display (view-touch)72 vision (vision! creature)73 vision-display (view-vision)75 ;;hearing (hearing! creature)76 ;;hearing-display (view-hearing)78 prop (proprioception! creature)79 prop-display (view-proprioception)81 muscles (movement! creature)82 muscle-display (view-movement)83 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;85 fix-display (gen-fix-display)87 floor (box 10 2 10 :position (Vector3f. 0 -9 0)88 :color ColorRGBA/Gray :mass 0)]89 (world90 (nodify [floor me creature])91 standard-debug-controls92 (fn [world]93 ;;(speed-up world)94 (light-up-everything world)95 (let [timer (RatchetTimer. 60)]96 (.setTimer world timer)97 (display-dilated-time world timer)))98 (fn [world tpf]99 (.setLocalTranslation me (.getLocation (.getCamera world)))100 (fix-display world)))))101 #+end_src103 * Headers104 #+name: joint-header105 #+begin_src clojure106 (ns cortex.joint107 (:require cortex.import)108 (:use (cortex world util import body sense109 hearing touch vision proprioception movement))110 (:import (:import (com.aurellem.capture RatchetTimer IsoTimer)))113 (cortex.import/mega-import-jme3)114 (rlm.rlm-commands/help)115 #+end_src118 * COMMENT Generate Source120 #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/joint.clj121 <<joint-header>>122 <<load-creature>>123 #+end_src