diff org/movement.org @ 261:2fdcbe8185b1

first draft of movement.org complete
author Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
date Tue, 14 Feb 2012 04:35:40 -0700
parents 959127e21f81
children d487348c461c
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- a/org/movement.org	Tue Feb 14 03:16:50 2012 -0700
     1.2 +++ b/org/movement.org	Tue Feb 14 04:35:40 2012 -0700
     1.3 @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     1.5  These functions define the expected meta-data for a muscle node.
     1.7 -#+name: movement
     1.8 +#+name: muscle-meta-data
     1.9  #+begin_src clojure 
    1.10  (in-ns 'cortex.movement)
    1.12 @@ -101,7 +101,10 @@
    1.13  senses. This is purely an aesthetic touch.
    1.15  * Creating Muscles
    1.16 +#+name: muscle-kernel
    1.17  #+begin_src clojure
    1.18 +(in-ns 'cortex.movement)
    1.19 +
    1.20  (defn movement-kernel
    1.21    "Returns a function which when called with a integer value inside a
    1.22     running simulation will cause movement in the creature according
    1.23 @@ -147,6 +150,7 @@
    1.24  Muscle exertion is a percent of a total, so the visulazation is just a
    1.25  simple percent bar.
    1.27 +#+name: visualization
    1.28  #+begin_src clojure
    1.29  (defn movement-display-kernel
    1.30    "Display muscle exertion data as a bar filling up with red."
    1.31 @@ -171,6 +175,110 @@
    1.33  * Adding Touch to the Worm
    1.35 +#+begin_src clojure
    1.36 +(defn test-movement
    1.37 +  ([] (test-movement false))
    1.38 +  ([record?]
    1.39 +     (let [creature (doto (worm) (body!))
    1.40 +
    1.41 +           muscle-exertion (atom 0)
    1.42 +           muscles (movement! creature)
    1.43 +           muscle-display (view-movement)]
    1.44 +       (.setMass
    1.45 +        (.getControl (.getChild creature "worm-11") RigidBodyControl)
    1.46 +        (float 0))
    1.47 +       (world
    1.48 +        (nodify [creature (floor)])
    1.49 +        (merge standard-debug-controls
    1.50 +               {"key-h"
    1.51 +                (fn [_ value]
    1.52 +                  (if value
    1.53 +                    (swap!  muscle-exertion (partial + 20))))
    1.54 +                "key-n"
    1.55 +                (fn [_ value]
    1.56 +                  (if value
    1.57 +                    (swap! muscle-exertion (fn [v] (- v 20)))))})
    1.58 +        (fn [world]
    1.59 +          (if record?
    1.60 +            (Capture/captureVideo
    1.61 +             world
    1.62 +             (File. "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-muscles/main-view")))
    1.63 +          (light-up-everything world)
    1.64 +          (enable-debug world)
    1.65 +          (.setTimer world (RatchetTimer. 60))
    1.66 +          (set-gravity world (Vector3f. 0 0 0))
    1.67 +          (.setLocation (.getCamera world)
    1.68 +                        (Vector3f. -4.912815, 2.004171, 0.15710819))
    1.69 +          (.setRotation (.getCamera world)
    1.70 +                        (Quaternion. 0.13828252, 0.65516764, 
    1.71 +                                     -0.12370994, 0.7323449))
    1.72 +
    1.73 +          (comment 
    1.74 +            (com.aurellem.capture.Capture/captureVideo
    1.75 +             world (file-str "/home/r/proj/ai-videos/hand"))))
    1.76 +        (fn [world tpf]
    1.77 +          (muscle-display
    1.78 +           (map #(% @muscle-exertion) muscles)
    1.79 +           (if record?
    1.80 +             (File. "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-muscles/muscles"))))))))
    1.81 +#+end_src
    1.82 +
    1.83 +* Video Demonstration 
    1.84 +
    1.85 +#+begin_html
    1.86 +<div class="figure">
    1.87 +<center>
    1.88 +<video controls="controls" width="550">
    1.89 +  <source src="../video/worm-muscles.ogg" type="video/ogg"
    1.90 +	  preload="none" poster="../images/aurellem-1280x480.png" />
    1.91 +</video>
    1.92 +</center>
    1.93 +<p>The worm is now able to move. The bar in the lower right displays
    1.94 +  the power output of the muscle . Each jump causes 20 more motor neurons to
    1.95 +  be recruited.  Notice that the power output increases non-linearly
    1.96 +  with motror neuron recruitement, similiar to a human muscle.</p>
    1.97 +</div>
    1.98 +#+end_html
    1.99 +
   1.100 +
   1.101 +** Making the Worm Muscles Video
   1.102 +#+name: magick7
   1.103 +#+begin_src clojure
   1.104 +(ns cortex.video.magick7
   1.105 +  (:import java.io.File)
   1.106 +  (:use clojure.contrib.shell-out))
   1.107 +
   1.108 +(defn images [path]
   1.109 +  (sort (rest (file-seq (File. path)))))
   1.110 +
   1.111 +(def base "/home/r/proj/cortex/render/worm-muscles/")
   1.112 +
   1.113 +(defn pics [file]
   1.114 +  (images (str base file)))
   1.115 +
   1.116 +(defn combine-images []
   1.117 +  (let [main-view (pics "main-view")
   1.118 +        muscles (pics "muscles/0")
   1.119 +        targets (map
   1.120 +                 #(File. (str base "out/" (format "%07d.png" %)))
   1.121 +                 (range 0 (count main-view)))]
   1.122 +    (dorun
   1.123 +     (pmap
   1.124 +      (comp
   1.125 +       (fn [[ main-view muscles target]]
   1.126 +         (println target)
   1.127 +         (sh "convert"
   1.128 +             main-view 
   1.129 +             muscles "-geometry" "+320+440" "-composite"
   1.130 +             target))
   1.131 +       (fn [& args] (map #(.getCanonicalPath %) args)))
   1.132 +       main-view muscles targets))))
   1.133 +#+end_src
   1.134 +
   1.135 +#+begin_src sh :results silent
   1.136 +cd ~/proj/cortex/render/worm-muscles
   1.137 +ffmpeg -r 60 -i out/%07d.png -b:v 9000k -c:v libtheora worm-muscles.ogg
   1.138 +#+end_src
   1.140  * Headers
   1.141  #+name: muscle-header
   1.142 @@ -187,9 +295,42 @@
   1.143    (:import com.jme3.bullet.control.RigidBodyControl))
   1.144  #+end_src
   1.146 +#+name: test-header
   1.147 +#+begin_src clojure
   1.148 +(ns cortex.test.movement
   1.149 +  (:use (cortex world util sense body movement))
   1.150 +  (:use cortex.test.body)
   1.151 +  (:use clojure.contrib.def)
   1.152 +  (:import java.io.File)
   1.153 +  (:import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
   1.154 +  (:import com.jme3.scene.Node)
   1.155 +  (:import com.jme3.math.Vector3f)
   1.156 +  (:import (com.aurellem.capture Capture RatchetTimer))
   1.157 +  (:import com.jme3.bullet.control.RigidBodyControl))
   1.159 +(cortex.import/mega-import-jme3)
   1.160 +#+end_src
   1.161 +
   1.162 +* Source Listing
   1.163 +  - [[../src/cortex/movement.clj][cortex.movement]]
   1.164 +  - [[../src/cortex/test/movement.clj][cortex.test.movement]]
   1.165 +  - [[../src/cortex/video/magick7.clj][cortex.video.magick7]]
   1.166 +#+html: <ul> <li> <a href="../org/movement.org">This org file</a> </li> </ul>
   1.167 +  - [[http://hg.bortreb.com ][source-repository]]
   1.169  * COMMENT code generation
   1.170  #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/movement.clj
   1.171 -<<movement>>
   1.172 +<<muscle-header>>
   1.173 +<<muscle-meta-data>>
   1.174 +<<muscle-kernel>>
   1.175 +<<visualization>>
   1.176  #+end_src
   1.177 +
   1.178 +#+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/test/movement.clj
   1.179 +<<test-header>>
   1.180 +<<test-movement>>
   1.181 +#+end_src
   1.182 +
   1.183 +#+begin_src clojure :tangle ../src/cortex/video/magick7.clj
   1.184 +<<magick7>>
   1.185 +#+end_src