comparison thesis/ @ 488:21b9dcec8d71

incorporate appendix.
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 29 Mar 2014 20:33:35 -0400
parents 6d460ac3f5d0
children c816594fbbe6
equal deleted inserted replaced
487:19b55aaf4462 488:21b9dcec8d71
2323 file. The function returned by =movement-kernel= is also a sense 2323 file. The function returned by =movement-kernel= is also a sense
2324 function: it returns the percent of the total muscle strength that 2324 function: it returns the percent of the total muscle strength that
2325 is currently being employed. This is analogous to muscle tension 2325 is currently being employed. This is analogous to muscle tension
2326 in humans and completes the sense of proprioception begun in the 2326 in humans and completes the sense of proprioception begun in the
2327 last section. 2327 last section.
2328 2328
2329 ** COMMENT =CORTEX= brings complex creatures to life! 2329 ** COMMENT =CORTEX= brings complex creatures to life!
2330 2330
2331 The ultimate test of =CORTEX= is to create a creature with the full 2331 The ultimate test of =CORTEX= is to create a creature with the full
2332 gamut of senses and put it though its paces. 2332 gamut of senses and put it though its paces.
2333 2333
3244 # An anatomical joke: 3244 # An anatomical joke:
3245 # - Training 3245 # - Training
3246 # - Skeletal imitation 3246 # - Skeletal imitation
3247 # - Sensory fleshing-out 3247 # - Sensory fleshing-out
3248 # - Classification 3248 # - Classification
3249 #+BEGIN_LaTeX
3250 \appendix
3251 #+END_LaTeX
3252 * COMMENT Appendix: =CORTEX= User Guide
3254 Those who write a thesis should endeavor to make their code not only
3255 accessable, but actually useable, as a way to pay back the community
3256 that made the thesis possible in the first place. This thesis would
3257 not be possible without Free Software such as jMonkeyEngine3,
3258 Blender, clojure, emacs, ffmpeg, and many other tools. That is why I
3259 have included this user guide, in the hope that someone else might
3260 find =CORTEX= useful.
3262 ** Obtaining =CORTEX=
3264 You can get cortex from its mercurial repository at
3265 You may also download =CORTEX=
3266 releases at As a condition of
3267 making this thesis, I have also provided Professor Winston the
3268 =CORTEX= source, and he knows how to run the demos and get started.
3269 You may also email me at and I may help where
3270 I can.
3272 ** Running =CORTEX=
3274 =CORTEX= comes with README and INSTALL files that will guide you
3275 through installation and running the test suite. In particular you
3276 should look at test =cortex.test= which contains test suites that
3277 run through all senses and multiple creatures.
3279 ** Creating creatures
3281 Creatures are created using /Blender/, a free 3D modeling program.
3282 You will need Blender version 2.6 when using the =CORTEX= included
3283 in this thesis. You create a =CORTEX= creature in a similiar manner
3284 to modeling anything in Blender, except that you also create
3285 several trees of empty nodes which define the creature's senses.
3287 *** Mass
3289 To give an object mass in =CORTEX=, add a ``mass'' metadata label
3290 to the object with the mass in jMonkeyEngine units. Note that
3291 setting the mass to 0 causes the object to be immovable.
3293 *** Joints
3295 Joints are created by creating an empty node named =joints= and
3296 then creating any number of empty child nodes to represent your
3297 creature's joints. The joint will automatically connect the
3298 closest two physical objects. It will help to set the empty node's
3299 display mode to ``Arrows'' so that you can clearly see the
3300 direction of the axes.
3302 Joint nodes should have the following metadata under the ``joint''
3303 label:
3305 #+BEGIN_SRC clojure
3306 ;; ONE OF the following, under the label "joint":
3307 {:type :point}
3309 ;; OR
3311 {:type :hinge
3312 :limit [<limit-low> <limit-high>]
3313 :axis (Vector3f. <x> <y> <z>)}
3314 ;;(:axis defaults to (Vector3f. 1 0 0) if not provided for hinge joints)
3316 ;; OR
3318 {:type :cone
3319 :limit-xz <lim-xz>
3320 :limit-xy <lim-xy>
3321 :twist <lim-twist>} ;(use XZY rotation mode in blender!)
3322 #+END_SRC
3324 *** Eyes
3326 Eyes are created by creating an empty node named =eyes= and then
3327 creating any number of empty child nodes to represent your
3328 creature's eyes.
3330 Eye nodes should have the following metadata under the ``eye''
3331 label:
3333 #+BEGIN_SRC clojure
3334 {:red <red-retina-definition>
3335 :blue <blue-retina-definition>
3336 :green <green-retina-definition>
3337 :all <all-retina-definition>
3338 (<0xrrggbb> <custom-retina-image>)...
3339 }
3340 #+END_SRC
3342 Any of the color channels may be omitted. You may also include
3343 your own color selectors, and in fact :red is equivalent to
3344 0xFF0000 and so forth. The eye will be placed at the same position
3345 as the empty node and will bind to the neatest physical object.
3346 The eye will point outward from the X-axis of the node, and ``up''
3347 will be in the direction of the X-axis of the node. It will help
3348 to set the empty node's display mode to ``Arrows'' so that you can
3349 clearly see the direction of the axes.
3351 Each retina file should contain white pixels whever you want to be
3352 sensitive to your chosen color. If you want the entire field of
3353 view, specify :all of 0xFFFFFF and a retinal map that is entirely
3354 white.
3356 Here is a sample retinal map:
3358 #+caption: An example retinal profile image. White pixels are
3359 #+caption: photo-sensitive elements. The distribution of white
3360 #+caption: pixels is denser in the middle and falls off at the
3361 #+caption: edges and is inspired by the human retina.
3362 #+name: retina
3363 #+ATTR_LaTeX: :width 7cm :placement [H]
3364 [[./images/retina-small.png]]
3366 *** Hearing
3368 Ears are created by creating an empty node named =ears= and then
3369 creating any number of empty child nodes to represent your
3370 creature's ears.
3372 Ear nodes do not require any metadata.
3374 The ear will bind to and follow the closest physical node.
3376 *** Touch
3378 Touch is handled similarly to mass. To make a particular object
3379 touch sensitive, add metadata of the following form under the
3380 object's ``touch'' metadata field:
3383 <touch-UV-map-file-name>
3386 You may also include an optional ``scale'' metadata number to
3387 specifiy the length of the touch feelers. The default is $0.1$,
3388 and this is generally sufficient.
3390 The touch UV should contain white pixels for each touch sensor.
3392 Here is an example touch-uv map that approximates a human finger,
3393 and its corresponding model.
3395 #+caption: This is the tactile-sensor-profile for the upper segment
3396 #+caption: of a fingertip. It defines regions of high touch sensitivity
3397 #+caption: (where there are many white pixels) and regions of low
3398 #+caption: sensitivity (where white pixels are sparse).
3399 #+name: guide-fingertip-UV
3400 #+ATTR_LaTeX: :width 9cm :placement [H]
3401 [[./images/finger-UV.png]]
3403 #+caption: The fingertip UV-image form above applied to a simple
3404 #+caption: model of a fingertip.
3405 #+name: guide-fingertip
3406 #+ATTR_LaTeX: :width 9cm :placement [H]
3407 [[./images/finger-2.png]]
3409 *** Propriocepotion
3411 Proprioception is tied to each joint node -- nothing special must
3412 be done in a blender model to enable proprioception other than
3413 creating joint nodes.
3415 *** Muscles
3417 Muscles are created by creating an empty node named =muscles= and
3418 then creating any number of empty child nodes to represent your
3419 creature's muscles.
3422 Muscle nodes should have the following metadata under the
3423 ``muscle'' label:
3426 <muscle-profile-file-name>
3429 Muscles should also have a ``strength'' metadata entry describing
3430 the muscle's total strength at full activation.
3432 Muscle profiles are simple images that contain the relative amount
3433 of muscle power in each simulated alpha motor neuron. The width of
3434 the image is the total size of the motor pool, and the redness of
3435 each neuron is the relative power of that motor pool.
3437 While the profile image can have any dimensions, only the first
3438 line of pixels is used to define the muscle. Here is a sample
3439 muscle profile image that defines a human-like muscle.
3441 #+caption: A muscle profile image that describes the strengths
3442 #+caption: of each motor neuron in a muscle. White is weakest
3443 #+caption: and dark red is strongest. This particular pattern
3444 #+caption: has weaker motor neurons at the beginning, just
3445 #+caption: like human muscle.
3446 #+name: muscle-recruit
3447 #+ATTR_LaTeX: :width 7cm :placement [H]
3448 [[./images/basic-muscle.png]]
3450 Muscles twist the nearest physical object about the muscle node's
3451 Z-axis. I recommend using the ``Single Arrow'' display mode for
3452 muscles and using the right hand rule to determine which way the
3453 muscle will twist. To make a segment that can twist in multiple
3454 directions, create multiple, differently aligned muscles.
3456 ** =CORTEX= API
3458 These are the some functions exposed by =CORTEX= for creating
3459 worlds and simulating creatures. These are in addition to
3460 jMonkeyEngine3's extensive library, which is documented elsewhere.
3462 *** Simulation
3463 - =(world root-node key-map setup-fn update-fn)= :: create
3464 a simulation.
3465 - /root-node/ :: a =com.jme3.scene.Node= object which
3466 contains all of the objects that should be in the
3467 simulation.
3469 - /key-map/ :: a map from strings describing keys to
3470 functions that should be executed whenever that key is
3471 pressed. the functions should take a SimpleApplication
3472 object and a boolean value. The SimpleApplication is the
3473 current simulation that is running, and the boolean is true
3474 if the key is being pressed, and false if it is being
3475 released. As an example,
3476 #+BEGIN_SRC clojure
3477 {"key-j" (fn [game value] (if value (println "key j pressed")))}
3478 #+END_SRC
3479 is a valid key-map which will cause the simulation to print
3480 a message whenever the 'j' key on the keyboard is pressed.
3482 - /setup-fn/ :: a function that takes a =SimpleApplication=
3483 object. It is called once when initializing the simulation.
3484 Use it to create things like lights, change the gravity,
3485 initialize debug nodes, etc.
3487 - /update-fn/ :: this function takes a =SimpleApplication=
3488 object and a float and is called every frame of the
3489 simulation. The float tells how many seconds is has been
3490 since the last frame was rendered, according to whatever
3491 clock jme is currently using. The default is to use IsoTimer
3492 which will result in this value always being the same.
3494 - =(position-camera world position rotation)= :: set the position
3495 of the simulation's main camera.
3497 - =(enable-debug world)= :: turn on debug wireframes for each
3498 simulated object.
3500 - =(set-gravity world gravity)= :: set the gravity of a running
3501 simulation.
3503 - =(box length width height & {options})= :: create a box in the
3504 simulation. Options is a hash map specifying texture, mass,
3505 etc. Possible options are =:name=, =:color=, =:mass=,
3506 =:friction=, =:texture=, =:material=, =:position=,
3507 =:rotation=, =:shape=, and =:physical?=.
3509 - =(sphere radius & {options})= :: create a sphere in the simulation.
3510 Options are the same as in =box=.
3512 - =(load-blender-model file-name)= :: create a node structure
3513 representing that described in a blender file.
3515 - =(light-up-everything world)= :: distribute a standard compliment
3516 of lights throught the simulation. Should be adequate for most
3517 purposes.
3519 - =(node-seq node)= :: return a recursuve list of the node's
3520 children.
3522 - =(nodify name children)= :: construct a node given a node-name and
3523 desired children.
3525 - =(add-element world element)= :: add an object to a running world
3526 simulation.
3528 - =(set-accuracy world accuracy)= :: change the accuracy of the
3529 world's physics simulator.
3531 - =(asset-manager)= :: get an /AssetManager/, a jMonkeyEngine
3532 construct that is useful for loading textures and is required
3533 for smooth interaction with jMonkeyEngine library functions.
3535 - =(load-bullet)= :: unpack native libraries and initialize
3536 blender. This function is required before other world building
3537 functions are called.
3540 *** Creature Manipulation / Import
3542 - =(body! creature)= :: give the creature a physical body.
3544 - =(vision! creature)= :: give the creature a sense of vision.
3545 Returns a list of functions which will each, when called
3546 during a simulation, return the vision data for the channel of
3547 one of the eyes. The functions are ordered depending on the
3548 alphabetical order of the names of the eye nodes in the
3549 blender file. The data returned by the functions is a vector
3550 containing the eye's /topology/, a vector of coordinates, and
3551 the eye's /data/, a vector of RGB values filtered by the eye's
3552 sensitivity.
3554 - =(hearing! creature)= :: give the creature a sense of hearing.
3555 Returns a list of functions, one for each ear, that when
3556 called will return a frame's worth of hearing data for that
3557 ear. The functions are ordered depending on the alphabetical
3558 order of the names of the ear nodes in the blender file. The
3559 data returned by the functions is an array PCM encoded wav
3560 data.
3562 - =(touch! creature)= :: give the creature a sense of touch. Returns
3563 a single function that must be called with the /root node/ of
3564 the world, and which will return a vector of /touch-data/
3565 one entry for each touch sensitive component, each entry of
3566 which contains a /topology/ that specifies the distribution of
3567 touch sensors, and the /data/, which is a vector of
3568 =[activation, length]= pairs for each touch hair.
3570 - =(proprioception! creature)= :: give the creature the sense of
3571 proprioception. Returns a list of functions, one for each
3572 joint, that when called during a running simulation will
3573 report the =[headnig, pitch, roll]= of the joint.
3575 - =(movement! creature)= :: give the creature the power of movement.
3576 Creates a list of functions, one for each muscle, that when
3577 called with an integer, will set the recruitment of that
3578 muscle to that integer, and will report the current power
3579 being exerted by the muscle. Order of muscles is determined by
3580 the alphabetical sort order of the names of the muscle nodes.
3582 *** Visualization/Debug
3584 - =(view-vision)= :: create a function that when called with a list
3585 of visual data returned from the functions made by =vision!=,
3586 will display that visual data on the screen.
3588 - =(view-hearing)= :: same as =view-vision= but for hearing.
3590 - =(view-touch)= :: same as =view-vision= but for touch.
3592 - =(view-proprioception)= :: same as =view-vision= but for
3593 proprioception.
3595 - =(view-movement)= :: same as =view-vision= but for
3596 proprioception.
3598 - =(view anything)= :: =view= is a polymorphic function that allows
3599 you to inspect almost anything you could reasonably expect to
3600 be able to ``see'' in =CORTEX=.
3602 - =(text anything)= :: =text= is a polymorphic function that allows
3603 you to convert practically anything into a text string.
3605 - =(println-repl anything)= :: print messages to clojure's repl
3606 instead of the simulation's terminal window.
3608 - =(mega-import-jme3)= :: for experimenting at the REPL. This
3609 function will import all jMonkeyEngine3 classes for immediate
3610 use.
3612 - =(display-dialated-time world timer)= :: Shows the time as it is
3613 flowing in the simulation on a HUD display.