diff src/scientist2.clj @ 0:307a81e46071 tip

initial committ
author Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
date Tue, 18 Oct 2011 01:17:49 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/scientist2.clj	Tue Oct 18 01:17:49 2011 -0700
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
     1.4 +(ns coderloop.scientist2
     1.5 +  (:refer-clojure :only [])
     1.6 +  (:require rlm.ns-rlm rlm.light-base))
     1.7 +(rlm.ns-rlm/ns-clone rlm.light-base)
     1.8 +
     1.9 +
    1.10 +(use 'clojure.contrib.sql)
    1.11 +(import 'org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver)
    1.12 +(use 'clojure.contrib.sql)
    1.13 +(undef distinct case compile drop take sort)
    1.14 +(use 'clojureql.core)
    1.15 +(import 'java.io.File)
    1.16 +(use '[clojure.java.io :only [copy]])
    1.17 +(use '[clojure.contrib.shell-out :only [sh]])
    1.18 +(use '[clojure.string :only [split]])
    1.19 +(use '[coderloop [utils :only [md5]]])
    1.20 +(import 'java.sql.Date)
    1.21 +
    1.22 +
    1.23 +
    1.24 +(def *port* 3306)
    1.25 +
    1.26 +(def *host* "localhost")
    1.27 +
    1.28 +(def *db-host* "localhost")
    1.29 +
    1.30 +(def *db-name* "clojure_rlm")
    1.31 +
    1.32 +(def *db* {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    1.33 +	   :subprotocol "mysql"
    1.34 +	   :subname (str "//" *db-host* ":" *port* "/" *db-name*)
    1.35 +	   :user "root"
    1.36 +	   :password "sql1005025"})
    1.37 +
    1.38 +(def databases [:essay_scientists :scientists :ideas :scientist_whereabouts])
    1.39 +
    1.40 +
    1.41 +
    1.42 +
    1.43 +(declare essays essay century contemps data eric scientists date->str date)
    1.44 +
    1.45 +(defn scientists []
    1.46 +  @(table *db* :essay_scientists))
    1.47 +
    1.48 +
    1.49 +(defn contemps [s birth death]
    1.50 +  (sort-by (fn [s] [(:surname s) (:name s)])
    1.51 +	   (map #(select-keys % [:name :surname])
    1.52 +		@(select
    1.53 +		  (table *db* :scientists)
    1.54 +		  (where
    1.55 +		   (and
    1.56 +		    (< :birth_date death)
    1.57 +		    (< birth :death_date)
    1.58 +		    (not (= :name (:name s)))))))  ))
    1.59 +	   
    1.60 +(defn data [s]
    1.61 +  (let [locations
    1.62 +	(sort-by
    1.63 +	 :immigration_date
    1.64 +	 (map #(select-keys % [:immigration_date :emigration_date :country])
    1.65 +		      @(select
    1.66 +			(table *db* :scientist_whereabouts)
    1.67 +			(where
    1.68 +		 (and
    1.69 +		  (= :scientist_whereabouts.surname (:surname s))
    1.70 +		  (= :scientist_whereabouts.name (:name s)))))))
    1.71 +	 ideas
    1.72 +	(sort-by
    1.73 +	 #(.toLowerCase %)
    1.74 +	 (map :idea
    1.75 +	      @(select
    1.76 +		(table *db* :ideas)
    1.77 +		(where
    1.78 +		 (and
    1.79 +		  (= :ideas.surname (:surname s))
    1.80 +		  (= :ideas.name (:name s)))))))
    1.81 +	data
    1.82 +	(first
    1.83 +	 @(select
    1.84 +	   (table *db* :scientists)
    1.85 +	   (where
    1.86 +	    (and 
    1.87 +	     (= :scientists.surname (:surname s))
    1.88 +	     (= :scientists.name (:name s))))))
    1.89 +	birth (:birth_date data)
    1.90 +	death (:death_date data)
    1.91 +	contemp (contemps s birth death)]
    1.92 +    (merge data {:locations locations :contemps contemp  :ideas ideas})))
    1.93 +     
    1.94 +(defn date->str [#^java.sql.Date d]
    1.95 +  (format "%02d/%02d/%04d"  (.getDate d) (inc (.getMonth d)) (+ 1900 (.getYear d))))
    1.96 +
    1.97 +(def strcat (partial apply str))
    1.98 +
    1.99 +(defn century [#^java.sql.Date d]
   1.100 +  (* 100 (clojure.core/unchecked-divide (+ 1900 (.getYear d)) 100)))
   1.101 +
   1.102 +(defn essay-map [s]
   1.103 +  (let [base (data s)
   1.104 +	locations
   1.105 +	(strcat
   1.106 +	 (interpose
   1.107 +	  ", "
   1.108 +	  (map (fn [{:keys [emigration_date immigration_date country ]}]
   1.109 +		 (str country " from " (date->str immigration_date) " to "
   1.110 +		      (date->str emigration_date))) (:locations base))))
   1.111 +	contemps
   1.112 +	(strcat
   1.113 +	 (interpose
   1.114 +	  ", "
   1.115 +	  (map (fn [{:keys [name surname]}]
   1.116 +		 (str name " " surname))
   1.117 +	       (:contemps base))))
   1.118 +	birth-date (date->str (:birth_date base))
   1.119 +	death-date (date->str (:death_date base))
   1.120 +	century (century (:birth_date base))
   1.121 +	lifespan
   1.122 +	(str "["
   1.123 +	     (:birth_place base) " " birth-date ", "
   1.124 +	     (:death_place base) " " death-date
   1.125 +	     "]")
   1.126 +	ideas (strcat (interpose ", " (:ideas base)))
   1.127 +	]
   1.128 +    {:lifespan lifespan :name (:name base) :surname (:surname base)
   1.129 +     :contemps contemps :locations locations :century century :ideas ideas}))
   1.130 +
   1.131 +(defn essay [s]
   1.132 +  (let [{:keys [lifespan name surname contemps locations century ideas]} (essay-map s)]
   1.133 +    (str name " " surname " " lifespan " is one of the most famous scientists of "
   1.134 +	 century ". "
   1.135 +	 "Between all " name "'s ideas we mention: " ideas ". "
   1.136 +	 name " lived in: " locations ". "
   1.137 +	 name " was a contemporary of " contemps ".\n\n"))) 
   1.138 +	 
   1.139 +(defn essays []
   1.140 +  (map essay (scientists)))
   1.141 +
   1.142 +(defn print-essays []
   1.143 +  (dorun (map print (essays))))
   1.144 +
   1.145 +(defn essays->str []
   1.146 +  (strcat (essays)))
   1.147 +
   1.148 +(defn main [[username password db-name]]
   1.149 +  (let [db-host *host*
   1.150 +	db-port *port*
   1.151 +	db {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
   1.152 +	    :subprotocol "mysql"
   1.153 +	    :subname (str "//" db-host ":" db-port "/" db-name)
   1.154 +	    :user username
   1.155 +	    :password password}]
   1.156 +    (binding [*db* db]
   1.157 +      (print-essays))))
   1.158 +
   1.159 +(if (command-line?)
   1.160 +  (main *command-line-args*))
   1.161 +    
   1.162 +    
   1.163 +
   1.164 +
   1.165 +
   1.166 +(def eric {:name "Erik 3802" :surname "Green 3802"})
   1.167 +(def date (java.sql.Date. 4564654645))
   1.168 +
   1.169 +
   1.170 +
   1.171 +(defvar error-person
   1.172 +  {:name "Albert 3850" :surname "Newton 3850"}
   1.173 +  "this is the person in in which John 5750 is supposedly
   1.174 +   wrongly included my code says they're contempoaries,
   1.175 +   but the expected output disaggrees ")
   1.176 +
   1.177 +(defvar wrong-include
   1.178 +  {:name "John 5750" :surname  "Newton 5750"}
   1.179 +  "this one is inculded and supposedly should not be.")
   1.180 +
   1.181 +;;coderloop.scientist2> (select-keys (data error-person) [:birth_date :death_date])
   1.182 +;;{:death_date #<Date 0226-10-18>, :birth_date #<Date 0166-10-16>}
   1.183 +;;coderloop.scientist2> (select-keys (data wrong-include) [:birth_date :death_date])
   1.184 +;;{:death_date #<Date 0226-01-01>, :birth_date #<Date 0166-12-30>}
   1.185 +
   1.186 +;; these exibit the same problem. They appear to be contemps,
   1.187 +;; but the expected output says that they're not!
   1.188 +(defvar error-person2
   1.189 +  {:name "Erik 3851" :surname "Smith 3851"})
   1.190 +
   1.191 +(defvar wrong-include2
   1.192 +  {:name "Gil 5751" :surname "Smith 5751"})
   1.193 +
   1.194 +;;coderloop.scientist2> (select-keys (data error-person2) [:birth_date :death_date])
   1.195 +;;{:death_date #<Date 0227-10-19>, :birth_date #<Date 0167-10-17>}
   1.196 +;;coderloop.scientist2> (select-keys (data wrong-include2) [:birth_date :death_date])
   1.197 +;;{:death_date #<Date 0227-01-02>, :birth_date #<Date 0167-12-31>}
   1.198 +
   1.199 +
   1.200 +