rlm@1: <html> rlm@1: <head> rlm@1: <title>error-daemon@aurellem:</title> rlm@1: <style type="text/css"> rlm@1: html,body{margin:0;padding:0;} rlm@1: body{font:100% monospace;line-height:1.2em;} rlm@1: rlm@1: body{background:black;color:white;} rlm@1: em{color:#444;font-style:normal; background:white;} rlm@1: em{background:inherit;color:inherit;color:#fcc;} rlm@1: </style> rlm@3: <script type="text/javascript" src="/aurellem/js/jquery.min.js"></script> rlm@1: rlm@1: <script type="text/javascript"> rlm@1: var caret; rlm@1: rlm@1: // caret functions rlm@1: rlm@1: function Caret(){ rlm@1: this.obj = null; rlm@1: this.txt = ""; rlm@1: this.glyph = "_"; rlm@1: this.glyph = "█"; rlm@1: this.gylph_mode = false; rlm@1: this.queue = new Array();//queue of things to type next rlm@1: rlm@1: this.attach = function(elt){this.obj = elt;} rlm@1: this.refresh = function(){ rlm@1: $(this.obj).html(this.txt + (this.glyph_mode ? this.glyph : "")); rlm@1: } rlm@1: this.stall = function(n){ rlm@1: for(i=0;i<n;i++){this.instantly('##')};// ## is used to mean Stall for one increment rlm@1: } rlm@1: this.blink = function(){ rlm@1: this.glyph_mode = !this.glyph_mode; rlm@1: this.refresh(); rlm@1: } rlm@1: this.keystroke = function(str){this.queue = this.queue.concat(str.split(""));} rlm@1: this.instantly = function(str){this.queue.push(str)} rlm@1: this.newline = function(str){this.instantly('<br>');} rlm@1: this.prompt = function(){this.instantly('<em>error-daemon@aurellem:$</em> ');} rlm@1: rlm@1: this.type = function(){ rlm@1: if(this.queue.length > 0){ rlm@1: var x = this.queue.shift(); rlm@1: if(x != "##"){this.txt += x;} rlm@1: this.refresh(); rlm@1: } rlm@1: } rlm@1: } rlm@1: rlm@1: rlm@1: rlm@1: function error_404(){ rlm@1: rlm@1: caret.instantly("**** ERROR 404: PAGE NOT FOUND"); rlm@1: rlm@1: caret.newline(); rlm@1: caret.prompt(); rlm@1: caret.stall(80); rlm@1: caret.keystroke("I regret to inform you that the page you have requested does not exist on our servers at this time."); rlm@1: rlm@1: caret.newline(); rlm@1: caret.prompt(); rlm@1: caret.stall(40); rlm@1: caret.keystroke("Preliminary analysis, building on previously acquired data, indicates that some form of human error is to blame. "); rlm@1: caret.stall(20); rlm@1: caret.keystroke("Furthermore, all available data indicate that computer involvement of any kind is extremely unlikely."); rlm@1: caret.stall(20); rlm@1: rlm@1: caret.keystroke(" Possible human errors include:"); rlm@1: caret.newline(); rlm@1: caret.prompt(); rlm@1: caret.stall(40); rlm@1: caret.instantly(" "); rlm@1: caret.keystroke("1. The authors of aurellem, both of whom are are manifestly human, may have directed you, the user, to a nonexistent page."); rlm@1: rlm@1: caret.newline(); rlm@1: caret.prompt(); rlm@1: caret.stall(40); rlm@1: caret.instantly(" "); rlm@1: caret.keystroke("2. The authors of another webpage, many of whom are manifestly human, may have directed you, the user, to a nonexistent page."); rlm@1: rlm@1: caret.newline(); rlm@1: caret.prompt(); rlm@1: caret.stall(40); rlm@1: caret.instantly(" "); rlm@1: caret.keystroke("3. You, the user, "); rlm@1: caret.stall(40); rlm@1: caret.keystroke("manifestly human"); rlm@1: caret.stall(20); rlm@1: caret.keystroke(", may have directed yourself to a nonexistent page."); rlm@1: rlm@1: rlm@1: caret.newline(); rlm@1: caret.prompt(); rlm@1: caret.stall(40); rlm@1: caret.keystroke("Please be advised that you or another human may have subjected you to malice and/or incompetence by directing you to request a page that does not exist on our servers at this time."); rlm@1: caret.stall(20);caret.newline();caret.keystroke("Please be advised that this incident has been reported and that the responsible parties are being determined. "); rlm@1: caret.stall(40); rlm@1: caret.instantly("*****Have a nice day.*****"); rlm@1: caret.stall(60); rlm@1: caret.instantly("<br><br>Connection to aurellem closed."); rlm@1: } rlm@1: rlm@1: rlm@1: $(document).ready(function(){ rlm@1: caret = new Caret(); rlm@1: caret.attach($('body')); rlm@1: caret.refresh(); rlm@1: rlm@1: error_404(); rlm@1: rlm@1: // blinking cursor rlm@1: (function(){caret.blink();setTimeout(String("("+arguments.callee+")()"),500);})(); rlm@1: // typing text rlm@1: (function(){caret.type();setTimeout(String("("+arguments.callee+")()"),40);})(); rlm@1: rlm@1: rlm@1: rlm@1: }); rlm@1: rlm@1: </script> rlm@1: rlm@1: </head> rlm@1: <body> rlm@1: testsetahslkfashdljkasdfhkljasdhflskadfhlksadfhlkasdfhlkajsdfhlkasdfhlaksdfhlkjadfhalkjsdfhkalsdfhlkj rlm@1: <em>TESERHKSJLDFHKSJLDF</em> rlm@1: </body> rlm@1: rlm@1: </html>