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rlm@66: <h1 class="title">Our Blog Entries</h1>
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rlm@66:   <h1>aurellem <em>&#x2609;</em></h1>
rlm@66:   <ul class="nav">
rlm@66:     <li><a href="/">read the blog &raquo;</a></li>
rlm@66:     <!-- li><a href="#">learn about us &raquo;</a></li-->
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rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: <div class="author">Written by: <author>
rlm@66: <p>
rlm@66: Robert McIntyre &amp; Dylan Holmes
rlm@66: </p>
rlm@66: </author></div>
rlm@66: <div id="outline-container-unnumbered-1" class="outline-2">
rlm@66: <h2 id="unnumbered-1">Freedom</h2>
rlm@66: <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-unnumbered-1">
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li><a href="../free/html/email.html">How to set up your own Email server</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../free/html/wiki.html">How to set up your own Wiki</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../thoughts/html/patents.html">Thoughts on Patents</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../thoughts/html/server.html">The Server Culture</a></li>
rlm@66: </ul>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: <div id="outline-container-unnumbered-2" class="outline-2">
rlm@66: <h2 id="unnumbered-2">Adventures in coding</h2>
rlm@66: <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-unnumbered-2">
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li><a href="../abomination/html/no_parens.html">Calling it quits without parentheses</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/capture-video.html">Capture live video feeds from JMonkeyEngine</a></li>
rlm@66: </ul>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: <div id="outline-container-unnumbered-3" class="outline-2">
rlm@66: <h2 id="unnumbered-3">Academic</h2>
rlm@66: <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-unnumbered-3">
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li><a href="../dylan/html/quandary.html">Bugs in quantum mechanics</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../dylan/html/visualizing-reason.html">A category-theoretic view of inductive reasoning</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../jaynes/html/stat-mech.html">Jaynes' <i>Statistical Mechanics</i></a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/ai-journal-review.html">Interesting Articles from <i>Artificial Intelligence</i></a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../bbbgs/html/bbbgs.html">Improving Background Subtraction with Top-Down Vision</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../thoughts/html/sloman.html">Transcript of Aaron Sloman - Interview</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../6.034/html/intro.html">6.034 : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence</a></li>
rlm@66: </ul>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: <div id="outline-container-unnumbered-4" class="outline-2">
rlm@66: <h2 id="unnumbered-4">Cortex: a virtual world for sensate AI</h2>
rlm@66: <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-unnumbered-4">
rlm@66: <p>
rlm@66: This was an MEng thesis project while I was at MIT. It won the 2014
rlm@66: Charles and Jennifer Johnson Thesis Award –- 1st Place!
rlm@66: </p>
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://aurellem.org/dl/rlm-meng-cortex-final.pdf">Thesis</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://aurellem.org/dl/cortex-1.0.0.tar.bz2">Code</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/intro.html">Intro: Choosing between Virtual and Real Time</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/setup.html">Installing jMonkeyEngine3, a 3D Game Engine</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/world.html">Creating a Virtual World</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/util.html">Utilities that Integrate jMonkeyEngine3 into Clojure </a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/games.html"> Showing off: Games and Examples</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><b>Sensors and effectors</b>
rlm@66: <ol class="org-ol">
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/sense.html">Preamble: auxillary functions</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/body.html">Building a Body</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/vision.html">Vision</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/hearing.html">Hearing</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/touch.html">Touch</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/proprioception.html">Proprioception</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/movement.html">Movement</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../cortex/html/integration.html">Integration</a></li>
rlm@66: </ol></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../../cortex/html/gabor.html">Gabor Filters</a></li>
rlm@66: </ul>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: <div id="outline-container-unnumbered-5" class="outline-2">
rlm@66: <h2 id="unnumbered-5">Pok&eacute;mon</h2>
rlm@66: <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-unnumbered-5">
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li><a href="../pokemon-types/html/types.html">Best-first search for effective Pok&eacute;mon types</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../pokemon-types/html/lpsolve.html">Discovering effective Pok&eacute;mon types using linear optimization.</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../vba-clojure/html/rom.html">Notes on deconstructing Pok&eacute;mon Yellow</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://web.mit.edu/dxh/www/guess/">9 Questions with Pok&eacute;mon</a>
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://aurellem.org/pokeclass/html/idtree.html">How <i>9 Questions with Pok&eacute;mon</i> was made.</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://web.mit.edu/dxh/www/guess/gen2.html">10 Questions with Pok&eacute;mon</a> (Gen I &amp; II)</li>
rlm@66: <li>Use an <a href="http://web.mit.edu/dxh/www/guess/allergy/">allergy assay</a> to determine the type of an unknown Pok&eacute;mon</li>
rlm@66: </ul></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="./vba-clojure/html/total-control.html">Pok&eacute;mon Yellow Total Control Hack</a></li>
rlm@66: </ul>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: <div id="outline-container-unnumbered-6" class="outline-2">
rlm@66: <h2 id="unnumbered-6">Quantitative design</h2>
rlm@66: <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-unnumbered-6">
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li>Quantitative Pok&eacute;mon displays (in progress)
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://www.aurellem.org/pokeplot/graph.html?q=rug">Breakdown of evolution data</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://www.aurellem.org/pokeplot/graph.html?q=shops">Shop locations and inventories</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://www.aurellem.org/pokeplot/graph.html?q=tms">Learnability of technical machines</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="http://www.aurellem.org/pokeplot/graph.html?q=affinity">Square graph of dual type combinations</a></li>
rlm@66: </ul></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../dylan/resolution.svg">Display resolutions, simplified.</a> Intended to become a replacement
rlm@66: for <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vector_Video_Standards4.svg">this Wikipedia graphic</a>.</li>
rlm@66: </ul>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: <div id="outline-container-unnumbered-7" class="outline-2">
rlm@66: <h2 id="unnumbered-7">Thoughts</h2>
rlm@66: <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-unnumbered-7">
rlm@66: <ul class="org-ul">
rlm@66: <li><a href="../dylan/html/science.html">Science Minus Science</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../thoughts/html/man-years.html">A Universe of Human Experience</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../thoughts/html/emacs-password.html">Emacs Password Security</a></li>
rlm@66: <li><a href="../thoughts/html/ideas.html">Ideas</a></li>
rlm@66: </ul>
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rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: </div>
rlm@66: <div id="postamble" class="status">
rlm@66: <p class="author">Author: Robert McIntyre &amp; Dylan Holmes</p>
rlm@70: <p class="date">Created: 2015-04-19 Sun 03:58</p>
rlm@66: <p class="creator"><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/">Emacs</a> 24.4.1 (<a href="http://orgmode.org">Org</a> mode 8.3beta)</p>
rlm@66: <p class="validation"><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">Validate</a></p>
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