rlm@62: rlm@63: * TODO [1/14] rlm@62: - [ ] add marble paintings rlm@62: - [ ] incorporate new style stuff from Dylan (http://www.logical.ai/rlm-4/) rlm@62: - [ ] create an about-me page like dylan's rlm@62: - [ ] add mazur post rlm@62: - [ ] add essay on mind-uploading rlm@62: - [ ] factor ideas page into RAW and refined rlm@62: - [X] get comment system (files?) rlm@62: - [ ] minor projects rlm@62: - [ ] org-tools rlm@62: - [ ] brutal-comments rlm@62: - [ ] add pictures of awards for CORTEX rlm@62: - [ ] write up "burning books" essay rlm@62: - [ ] make brutal-comments review script rlm@62: - [ ] make git website display. rlm@62: - [ ] clean up everything rlm@63: - [ ] make "server culture" not suck