view org/ @ 7:8fbbf4be432b

testing auto-weave
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Thu, 27 Oct 2011 23:52:00 -0700
parents 12573db75437
children 3186b6b76cde
line wrap: on
line source
1 #+title: Serving a blog using Clojure
2 #+author: Robert McIntyre
3 #+MATHJAX: align:"left" mathml:t path:"../MathJax/MathJax.js"
4 #+STYLE: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/aurellem.css" />
6 <h1>{{{title}}}</h1>
10 * Aurellem Export Program
11 #+srcname: publish
12 #+begin_src clojure :results silent
13 (ns aurellem.publish
14 (:use rlm.ns-rlm))
15 (rlm.ns-rlm/ns-clone rlm.light-base)
16 (import org.htmlcleaner.HtmlCleaner)
17 (import org.htmlcleaner.TagNode)
18 (import
19 (import
20 (import
21 (use '
22 (use 'rlm.sanitize-file)
23 (use 'net.cgrand.enlive-html)
24 (use 'rlm.pikasemechu)
25 (require 'rlm.push)
26 (use '
28 (declare publish)
31 (defvar *exports*
32 [(file-str "~/aurellem/src/pokemon/types.html")
33 (file-str "~/aurellem/src/pokemon/lpsolve.html")
34 (file-str "~/aurellem/src/abomination/no_parens.html")
35 (file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/qm/quandary.html")
36 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/cortex.html")
37 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/capture-video.html")]
38 "The html files which will be exported to the auerllem
39 website. Listed in the order they will appear on the site
40 to add more entries to the site, add them here.")
42 (defvar *other-files*
43 [(file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/MathJax/")
44 (file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/css/aurellem.css")
45 (file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/js/jquery.min.js")
46 (file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/aurellem/err.html")
47 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/sources/turing.pdf")
48 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/images/brick-wall-standing.jpg")
49 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/images/brick-wall-knocked-down.jpg")
50 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/images/dominos.jpg")
51 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/images/simple-app.jpg")]
53 "other files needed by the website, but which are not posts.")
55 (defvar *index*
56 (file-str "~/aurellem/src/aurellem/index.html")
57 "this is the main index.html file for the site. It will be updated
58 with new posts")
60 (defvar *site*
61 (file-str "~/aurellem/site-output")
62 "the target output directoty for the site's content")
64 (defvar *export-base* (file-str "~/"))
66 (defn target-file [#^File file]
67 (file-str
68 (.replace (.getCanonicalPath file)
69 (.getCanonicalPath *export-base*)
70 (.getCanonicalPath *site*))))
72 (defn title [page]
73 (str (.getText (first (tags-by-name (parse page) "title")))))
75 (defn link [#^File file]
76 (.replace (.getCanonicalPath (target-file file))
77 (.getCanonicalPath *site*)
78 "."))
80 (defn rsync-string [#^ file]
81 (if (.isFile file)
82 (.getPath file)
83 (str (.getPath file) "/")))
85 (defn rsync-local [#^File src #^File dst]
86 (let [parent (.getParentFile dst)]
87 (if (not (.exists parent))
88 ;; rsync won't make parent directories
89 (sh "mkdir" "-p" (.getCanonicalPath parent))))
90 (sw "rsync" "-avz" "--human-readable" (rsync-string src) (.getCanonicalPath dst)))
92 (defn cp [#^File src #^File dst]
93 (if (.isDirectory src)
94 (FileUtils/copyDirectory src dst)
95 (FileUtils/copyFile src dst)))
97 (defn copy-site-files
98 "copy all the files in *exports* and *other-files* to the site directory
99 preserving the folder structure."
100 []
101 (dorun
102 (for [file (concat *other-files* *exports*)]
103 (let [source file destination (target-file file)]
104 (rsync-local source destination)))))
106 (deftemplate fill-list *index* [posts]
107 [:div#posts :ul.post_list :li]
108 (clone-for [post posts]
109 (content {:tag :a
110 :attrs {:href (link post)}
111 :content [(title post)]})))
113 (defn update-index
114 "update the index.html post list and write it to the site directory"
115 []
116 (println "Rebuilding index.html")
117 (FileUtils/writeStringToFile
118 (file-str "~/aurellem/site-output/index.html")
119 ;; reverse the list to get reverse chronological order for the site.
120 (apply str (fill-list *exports*))))
122 (defn publish-local []
123 (rlm.rlm-commands/re)
124 (copy-site-files)
125 (update-index))
127 (defn publish-web []
128 (publish-local)
129 (rlm.push/push "-u" "-t" "slice"))
133 #+end_src
137 #+begin_src clojure :results silent :tangle publish.clj :noweb yes :exports none
138 <<publish>>
139 #+end_src