annotate org/ @ 17:e044de5ae32d

reorganizing cortex
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Wed, 02 Nov 2011 05:03:31 -0700
parents 12573db75437
children 3186b6b76cde
rev   line source
rlm@1 1 #+title: Serving a blog using Clojure
rlm@1 2 #+author: Robert McIntyre
rlm@1 3 #+MATHJAX: align:"left" mathml:t path:"../MathJax/MathJax.js"
rlm@1 4 #+STYLE: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/aurellem.css" />
rlm@1 5 #+BEGIN_HTML
rlm@1 6 <h1>{{{title}}}</h1>
rlm@1 7 #+END_HTML
rlm@1 8
rlm@1 9
rlm@1 10 * Aurellem Export Program
rlm@1 11 #+srcname: publish
rlm@1 12 #+begin_src clojure :results silent
rlm@1 13 (ns aurellem.publish
rlm@1 14 (:use rlm.ns-rlm))
rlm@1 15 (rlm.ns-rlm/ns-clone rlm.light-base)
rlm@1 16 (import org.htmlcleaner.HtmlCleaner)
rlm@1 17 (import org.htmlcleaner.TagNode)
rlm@1 18 (import
rlm@1 19 (import
rlm@1 20 (import
rlm@1 21 (use '
rlm@1 22 (use 'rlm.sanitize-file)
rlm@1 23 (use 'net.cgrand.enlive-html)
rlm@1 24 (use 'rlm.pikasemechu)
rlm@1 25 (require 'rlm.push)
rlm@1 26 (use '
rlm@1 27
rlm@1 28 (declare publish)
rlm@1 29
rlm@1 30
rlm@1 31 (defvar *exports*
rlm@1 32 [(file-str "~/aurellem/src/pokemon/types.html")
rlm@1 33 (file-str "~/aurellem/src/pokemon/lpsolve.html")
rlm@1 34 (file-str "~/aurellem/src/abomination/no_parens.html")
rlm@1 35 (file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/qm/quandary.html")
rlm@1 36 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/cortex.html")
rlm@1 37 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/capture-video.html")]
rlm@1 38 "The html files which will be exported to the auerllem
rlm@1 39 website. Listed in the order they will appear on the site
rlm@1 40 to add more entries to the site, add them here.")
rlm@1 41
rlm@1 42 (defvar *other-files*
rlm@1 43 [(file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/MathJax/")
rlm@1 44 (file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/css/aurellem.css")
rlm@1 45 (file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/js/jquery.min.js")
rlm@1 46 (file-str "/home/r/aurellem/src/aurellem/err.html")
rlm@1 47 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/sources/turing.pdf")
rlm@1 48 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/images/brick-wall-standing.jpg")
rlm@1 49 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/images/brick-wall-knocked-down.jpg")
rlm@1 50 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/images/dominos.jpg")
rlm@1 51 (file-str "/home/r/cortex/images/simple-app.jpg")]
rlm@1 52
rlm@1 53 "other files needed by the website, but which are not posts.")
rlm@1 54
rlm@1 55 (defvar *index*
rlm@1 56 (file-str "~/aurellem/src/aurellem/index.html")
rlm@1 57 "this is the main index.html file for the site. It will be updated
rlm@1 58 with new posts")
rlm@1 59
rlm@1 60 (defvar *site*
rlm@1 61 (file-str "~/aurellem/site-output")
rlm@1 62 "the target output directoty for the site's content")
rlm@1 63
rlm@1 64 (defvar *export-base* (file-str "~/"))
rlm@1 65
rlm@1 66 (defn target-file [#^File file]
rlm@1 67 (file-str
rlm@1 68 (.replace (.getCanonicalPath file)
rlm@1 69 (.getCanonicalPath *export-base*)
rlm@1 70 (.getCanonicalPath *site*))))
rlm@1 71
rlm@1 72 (defn title [page]
rlm@1 73 (str (.getText (first (tags-by-name (parse page) "title")))))
rlm@1 74
rlm@1 75 (defn link [#^File file]
rlm@1 76 (.replace (.getCanonicalPath (target-file file))
rlm@1 77 (.getCanonicalPath *site*)
rlm@1 78 "."))
rlm@1 79
rlm@1 80 (defn rsync-string [#^ file]
rlm@1 81 (if (.isFile file)
rlm@1 82 (.getPath file)
rlm@1 83 (str (.getPath file) "/")))
rlm@1 84
rlm@1 85 (defn rsync-local [#^File src #^File dst]
rlm@1 86 (let [parent (.getParentFile dst)]
rlm@1 87 (if (not (.exists parent))
rlm@1 88 ;; rsync won't make parent directories
rlm@1 89 (sh "mkdir" "-p" (.getCanonicalPath parent))))
rlm@1 90 (sw "rsync" "-avz" "--human-readable" (rsync-string src) (.getCanonicalPath dst)))
rlm@1 91
rlm@1 92 (defn cp [#^File src #^File dst]
rlm@1 93 (if (.isDirectory src)
rlm@1 94 (FileUtils/copyDirectory src dst)
rlm@1 95 (FileUtils/copyFile src dst)))
rlm@1 96
rlm@1 97 (defn copy-site-files
rlm@1 98 "copy all the files in *exports* and *other-files* to the site directory
rlm@1 99 preserving the folder structure."
rlm@1 100 []
rlm@1 101 (dorun
rlm@1 102 (for [file (concat *other-files* *exports*)]
rlm@1 103 (let [source file destination (target-file file)]
rlm@1 104 (rsync-local source destination)))))
rlm@1 105
rlm@1 106 (deftemplate fill-list *index* [posts]
rlm@1 107 [:div#posts :ul.post_list :li]
rlm@1 108 (clone-for [post posts]
rlm@1 109 (content {:tag :a
rlm@1 110 :attrs {:href (link post)}
rlm@1 111 :content [(title post)]})))
rlm@1 112
rlm@1 113 (defn update-index
rlm@1 114 "update the index.html post list and write it to the site directory"
rlm@1 115 []
rlm@1 116 (println "Rebuilding index.html")
rlm@1 117 (FileUtils/writeStringToFile
rlm@1 118 (file-str "~/aurellem/site-output/index.html")
rlm@1 119 ;; reverse the list to get reverse chronological order for the site.
rlm@1 120 (apply str (fill-list *exports*))))
rlm@1 121
rlm@1 122 (defn publish-local []
rlm@1 123 (rlm.rlm-commands/re)
rlm@1 124 (copy-site-files)
rlm@1 125 (update-index))
rlm@1 126
rlm@1 127 (defn publish-web []
rlm@1 128 (publish-local)
rlm@1 129 (rlm.push/push "-u" "-t" "slice"))
rlm@1 130
rlm@1 131
rlm@1 132
rlm@1 133 #+end_src
rlm@1 134
rlm@1 135
rlm@1 136
rlm@1 137 #+begin_src clojure :results silent :tangle publish.clj :noweb yes :exports none
rlm@1 138 <<publish>>
rlm@1 139 #+end_src
rlm@1 140