view org/ @ 19:22ac5a0367cd

finally, a first pass at
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Thu, 03 Nov 2011 14:54:45 -0700
parents 1e201037f666
children e8ae40c9848c
line wrap: on
line source
1 #+title: Simulated Sense of Hearing
2 #+author: Robert McIntyre
3 #+email:
4 #+description: Simulating multiple listeners and the sense of hearing in jMonkeyEngine3
5 #+keywords: simulated hearing, openal, clojure, jMonkeyEngine3, LWJGL, AI
6 #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/
7 #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/
8 #+BABEL: :exports both :noweb yes :cache no :mkdirp yes
13 * Hearing
15 I want to be able to place ears in a similiar manner to how I place
16 the eyes. I want to be able to place ears in a unique spatial
17 position, and recieve as output at every tick the FFT of whatever
18 signals are happening at that point.
20 Hearing is one of the more difficult senses to simulate, because there
21 is less support for obtaining the actual sound data that is processed
22 by jMonkeyEngine3.
24 jMonkeyEngine's sound system works as follows:
26 - jMonkeyEngine uese the =AppSettings= for the particular application
27 to determine what sort of =AudioRenderer= should be used.
28 - although some support is provided for multiple AudioRendering
29 backends, jMonkeyEngine at the time of this writing will either
30 pick no AudioRender at all, or the =LwjglAudioRenderer=
31 - jMonkeyEngine tries to figure out what sort of system you're
32 running and extracts the appropiate native libraries.
33 - the =LwjglAudioRenderer= uses the [[][=LWJGL=]] (LightWeight Java Game
34 Library) bindings to interface with a C library called [[][=OpenAL=]]
35 - =OpenAL= calculates the 3D sound localization and feeds a stream of
36 sound to any of various sound output devices with which it knows
37 how to communicate.
39 A consequence of this is that there's no way to access the actual
40 sound data produced by =OpenAL=. Even worse, =OpanAL= only supports
41 one /listener/, which normally isn't a problem for games, but becomes
42 a problem when trying to make multiple AI creatures that can each hear
43 the world from a different perspective.
45 To make many AI creatures in jMonkeyEngine that can each hear the
46 world from their own perspective, it is necessary to go all the way
47 back to =OpenAL= and implement support for simulated hearing there.
49 * Extending =OpenAL=
50 ** =OpenAL= Devices
52 =OpenAL= goes to great lengths to support many different systems, all
53 with different sound capabilities and interfaces. It acomplishes this
54 difficult task by providing code for many different sound backends in
55 pseudo-objects called /Devices/. There's a device for the Linux Open
56 Sound System and the Advanced Linxu Sound Architechture, there's one
57 for Direct Sound on Windows, there's even one for Solaris. =OpenAL=
58 solves the problem of platform independence by providing all these
59 Devices.
61 Wrapper libraries such as LWJGL are free to examine the system on
62 which they are running and then select an appropiate device for that
63 system.
65 There are also a few "special" devices that don't interface with any
66 particular system. These include the Null Device, which doesn't do
67 anything, and the Wave Device, which writes whatever sound it recieves
68 to a file, if everything has been set up correctly when configuring
69 =OpenAL=.
71 Actual mixing of the sound data happens in the Devices, and they are
72 the only point in the sound rendering process where this data is
73 available.
75 Therefore, in order to support multiple listeners, and get the sound
76 data in a form that the AIs can use, it is necessary to create a new
77 Device, which supports this features.
79 ** The Send Device
80 Adding a device to OpenAL is rather tricky -- there are five separate
81 files in the =OpenAL= source tree that must be modified to do so. I've
82 documented this process [[./][here]] for anyone who is interested.
85 Onward to that actual Device!
87 again, my objectives are:
89 - Support Multiple Listeners from jMonkeyEngine3
90 - Get access to the rendered sound data for further processing from
91 clojure.
93 ** =send.c=
95 ** Header
96 #+srcname: send-header
97 #+begin_src C
98 #include "config.h"
99 #include <stdlib.h>
100 #include "alMain.h"
101 #include "AL/al.h"
102 #include "AL/alc.h"
103 #include "alSource.h"
104 #include <jni.h>
106 //////////////////// Summary
108 struct send_data;
109 struct context_data;
111 static void addContext(ALCdevice *, ALCcontext *);
112 static void syncContexts(ALCcontext *master, ALCcontext *slave);
113 static void syncSources(ALsource *master, ALsource *slave,
114 ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *slaveCtx);
116 static void syncSourcei(ALuint master, ALuint slave,
117 ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *ctx2, ALenum param);
118 static void syncSourcef(ALuint master, ALuint slave,
119 ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *ctx2, ALenum param);
120 static void syncSource3f(ALuint master, ALuint slave,
121 ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *ctx2, ALenum param);
123 static void swapInContext(ALCdevice *, struct context_data *);
124 static void saveContext(ALCdevice *, struct context_data *);
125 static void limitContext(ALCdevice *, ALCcontext *);
126 static void unLimitContext(ALCdevice *);
128 static void init(ALCdevice *);
129 static void renderData(ALCdevice *, int samples);
131 #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
132 #+end_src
134 The main idea behing the Send device is to take advantage of the fact
135 that LWJGL only manages one /context/ when using OpenAL. A /context/
136 is like a container that holds samples and keeps track of where the
137 listener is. In order to support multiple listeners, the Send device
138 identifies the LWJGL context as the master context, and creates any
139 number of slave contexts to represent additional listeners. Every
140 time the device renders sound, it synchronizes every source from the
141 master LWJGL context to the slave contexts. Then, it renders each
142 context separately, using a different listener for each one. The
143 rendered sound is made available via JNI to jMonkeyEngine.
145 To recap, the process is:
146 - Set the LWJGL context as "master" in the =init()= method.
147 - Create any number of additional contexts via =addContext()=
148 - At every call to =renderData()= sync the master context with the
149 slave contexts vit =syncContexts()=
150 - =syncContexts()= calls =syncSources()= to sync all the sources
151 which are in the master context.
152 - =limitContext()= and =unLimitContext()= make it possible to render
153 only one context at a time.
155 ** Necessary State
156 #+begin_src C
157 //////////////////// State
159 typedef struct context_data {
160 ALfloat ClickRemoval[MAXCHANNELS];
161 ALfloat PendingClicks[MAXCHANNELS];
162 ALvoid *renderBuffer;
163 ALCcontext *ctx;
164 } context_data;
166 typedef struct send_data {
167 ALuint size;
168 context_data **contexts;
169 ALuint numContexts;
170 ALuint maxContexts;
171 } send_data;
172 #+end_src
174 Switching between contexts is not the normal operation of a Device,
175 and one of the problems with doing so is that a Device normally keeps
176 around a few pieces of state such as the =ClickRemoval= array above
177 which will become corrupted if the contexts are not done in
178 parallel. The solution is to create a copy of this normally global
179 device state for each context, and copy it back and forth into and out
180 of the actual device state whenever a context is rendered.
182 ** Synchronization Macros
184 #+begin_src C
185 //////////////////// Context Creation / Synchronization
188 void NAME (ALuint sourceID1, ALuint sourceID2, \
189 ALCcontext *ctx1, ALCcontext *ctx2, \
190 ALenum param){ \
191 INIT_EXPR; \
192 ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext(); \
193 alcMakeContextCurrent(ctx1); \
194 GET_EXPR; \
195 alcMakeContextCurrent(ctx2); \
196 SET_EXPR; \
197 alcMakeContextCurrent(current); \
198 }
200 #define MAKE_SYNC(NAME, TYPE, GET, SET) \
202 TYPE value, \
203 GET(sourceID1, param, &value), \
204 SET(sourceID2, param, value))
206 #define MAKE_SYNC3(NAME, TYPE, GET, SET) \
208 TYPE value1; TYPE value2; TYPE value3;, \
209 GET(sourceID1, param, &value1, &value2, &value3), \
210 SET(sourceID2, param, value1, value2, value3))
212 MAKE_SYNC( syncSourcei, ALint, alGetSourcei, alSourcei);
213 MAKE_SYNC( syncSourcef, ALfloat, alGetSourcef, alSourcef);
214 MAKE_SYNC3(syncSource3i, ALint, alGetSource3i, alSource3i);
215 MAKE_SYNC3(syncSource3f, ALfloat, alGetSource3f, alSource3f);
217 #+end_src
219 Setting the state of an =OpenAl= source is done with the =alSourcei=,
220 =alSourcef=, =alSource3i=, and =alSource3f= functions. In order to
221 complely synchronize two sources, it is necessary to use all of
222 them. These macros help to condense the otherwise repetitive
223 synchronization code involving these simillar low-level =OpenAL= functions.
225 ** Source Synchronization
226 #+begin_src C
227 void syncSources(ALsource *masterSource, ALsource *slaveSource,
228 ALCcontext *masterCtx, ALCcontext *slaveCtx){
229 ALuint master = masterSource->source;
230 ALuint slave = slaveSource->source;
231 ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
233 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_PITCH);
234 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_GAIN);
235 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_MAX_DISTANCE);
236 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR);
237 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE);
238 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_MIN_GAIN);
239 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_MAX_GAIN);
240 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN);
241 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE);
242 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE);
243 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_SEC_OFFSET);
244 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET);
245 syncSourcef(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_BYTE_OFFSET);
247 syncSource3f(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_POSITION);
248 syncSource3f(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_VELOCITY);
249 syncSource3f(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_DIRECTION);
251 syncSourcei(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE);
252 syncSourcei(master,slave,masterCtx,slaveCtx,AL_LOOPING);
254 alcMakeContextCurrent(masterCtx);
255 ALint source_type;
256 alGetSourcei(master, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &source_type);
258 // Only static sources are currently synchronized!
259 if (AL_STATIC == source_type){
260 ALint master_buffer;
261 ALint slave_buffer;
262 alGetSourcei(master, AL_BUFFER, &master_buffer);
263 alcMakeContextCurrent(slaveCtx);
264 alGetSourcei(slave, AL_BUFFER, &slave_buffer);
265 if (master_buffer != slave_buffer){
266 alSourcei(slave, AL_BUFFER, master_buffer);
267 }
268 }
270 // Synchronize the state of the two sources.
271 alcMakeContextCurrent(masterCtx);
272 ALint masterState;
273 ALint slaveState;
275 alGetSourcei(master, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &masterState);
276 alcMakeContextCurrent(slaveCtx);
277 alGetSourcei(slave, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &slaveState);
279 if (masterState != slaveState){
280 switch (masterState){
281 case AL_INITIAL : alSourceRewind(slave); break;
282 case AL_PLAYING : alSourcePlay(slave); break;
283 case AL_PAUSED : alSourcePause(slave); break;
284 case AL_STOPPED : alSourceStop(slave); break;
285 }
286 }
287 // Restore whatever context was previously active.
288 alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
289 }
290 #+end_src
291 This function is long because it has to exaustively go through all the
292 possible state that a source can have and make sure that it is the
293 same between the master and slave sources. I'd like to take this
294 moment to salute the [[][=OpenAL= Reference Manual]], which provides a very
295 good description of =OpenAL='s internals.
297 ** Context Synchronization
298 #+begin_src C
299 void syncContexts(ALCcontext *master, ALCcontext *slave){
300 /* If there aren't sufficient sources in slave to mirror
301 the sources in master, create them. */
302 ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
304 UIntMap *masterSourceMap = &(master->SourceMap);
305 UIntMap *slaveSourceMap = &(slave->SourceMap);
306 ALuint numMasterSources = masterSourceMap->size;
307 ALuint numSlaveSources = slaveSourceMap->size;
309 alcMakeContextCurrent(slave);
310 if (numSlaveSources < numMasterSources){
311 ALuint numMissingSources = numMasterSources - numSlaveSources;
312 ALuint newSources[numMissingSources];
313 alGenSources(numMissingSources, newSources);
314 }
316 /* Now, slave is gauranteed to have at least as many sources
317 as master. Sync each source from master to the corresponding
318 source in slave. */
319 int i;
320 for(i = 0; i < masterSourceMap->size; i++){
321 syncSources((ALsource*)masterSourceMap->array[i].value,
322 (ALsource*)slaveSourceMap->array[i].value,
323 master, slave);
324 }
325 alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
326 }
327 #+end_src
329 Most of the hard work in Context Synchronization is done in
330 =syncSources()=. The only thing that =syncContexts()= has to worry
331 about is automoatically creating new sources whenever a slave context
332 does not have the same number of sources as the master context.
334 ** Context Creation
335 #+begin_src C
336 static void addContext(ALCdevice *Device, ALCcontext *context){
337 send_data *data = (send_data*)Device->ExtraData;
338 // expand array if necessary
339 if (data->numContexts >= data->maxContexts){
340 ALuint newMaxContexts = data->maxContexts*2 + 1;
341 data->contexts = realloc(data->contexts, newMaxContexts*sizeof(context_data));
342 data->maxContexts = newMaxContexts;
343 }
344 // create context_data and add it to the main array
345 context_data *ctxData;
346 ctxData = (context_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(*ctxData));
347 ctxData->renderBuffer =
348 malloc(BytesFromDevFmt(Device->FmtType) *
349 Device->NumChan * Device->UpdateSize);
350 ctxData->ctx = context;
352 data->contexts[data->numContexts] = ctxData;
353 data->numContexts++;
354 }
355 #+end_src
357 Here, the slave context is created, and it's data is stored in the
358 device-wide =ExtraData= structure. The =renderBuffer= that is created
359 here is where the rendered sound samples for this slave context will
360 eventually go.
362 ** Context Switching
363 #+begin_src C
364 //////////////////// Context Switching
366 /* A device brings along with it two pieces of state
367 * which have to be swapped in and out with each context.
368 */
369 static void swapInContext(ALCdevice *Device, context_data *ctxData){
370 memcpy(Device->ClickRemoval, ctxData->ClickRemoval, sizeof(ALfloat)*MAXCHANNELS);
371 memcpy(Device->PendingClicks, ctxData->PendingClicks, sizeof(ALfloat)*MAXCHANNELS);
372 }
374 static void saveContext(ALCdevice *Device, context_data *ctxData){
375 memcpy(ctxData->ClickRemoval, Device->ClickRemoval, sizeof(ALfloat)*MAXCHANNELS);
376 memcpy(ctxData->PendingClicks, Device->PendingClicks, sizeof(ALfloat)*MAXCHANNELS);
377 }
379 static ALCcontext **currentContext;
380 static ALuint currentNumContext;
382 /* By default, all contexts are rendered at once for each call to aluMixData.
383 * This function uses the internals of the ALCdecice struct to temporarly
384 * cause aluMixData to only render the chosen context.
385 */
386 static void limitContext(ALCdevice *Device, ALCcontext *ctx){
387 currentContext = Device->Contexts;
388 currentNumContext = Device->NumContexts;
389 Device->Contexts = &ctx;
390 Device->NumContexts = 1;
391 }
393 static void unLimitContext(ALCdevice *Device){
394 Device->Contexts = currentContext;
395 Device->NumContexts = currentNumContext;
396 }
397 #+end_src
399 =OpenAL= normally reneders all Contexts in parallel, outputting the
400 whole result to the buffer. It does this by iterating over the
401 Device->Contexts array and rendering each context to the buffer in
402 turn. By temporarly setting Device->NumContexts to 1 and adjusting
403 the Device's context list to put the desired context-to-be-rendered
404 into position 0, we can get trick =OpenAL= into rendering each slave
405 context separate from all the others.
407 ** Main Device Loop
408 #+begin_src C
409 //////////////////// Main Device Loop
411 /* Establish the LWJGL context as the master context, which will
412 * be synchronized to all the slave contexts
413 */
414 static void init(ALCdevice *Device){
415 ALCcontext *masterContext = alcGetCurrentContext();
416 addContext(Device, masterContext);
417 }
420 static void renderData(ALCdevice *Device, int samples){
421 if(!Device->Connected){return;}
422 send_data *data = (send_data*)Device->ExtraData;
423 ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
425 ALuint i;
426 for (i = 1; i < data->numContexts; i++){
427 syncContexts(data->contexts[0]->ctx , data->contexts[i]->ctx);
428 }
430 if ((uint) samples > Device->UpdateSize){
431 printf("exceeding internal buffer size; dropping samples\n");
432 printf("requested %d; available %d\n", samples, Device->UpdateSize);
433 samples = (int) Device->UpdateSize;
434 }
436 for (i = 0; i < data->numContexts; i++){
437 context_data *ctxData = data->contexts[i];
438 ALCcontext *ctx = ctxData->ctx;
439 alcMakeContextCurrent(ctx);
440 limitContext(Device, ctx);
441 swapInContext(Device, ctxData);
442 aluMixData(Device, ctxData->renderBuffer, samples);
443 saveContext(Device, ctxData);
444 unLimitContext(Device);
445 }
446 alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
447 }
448 #+end_src
450 The main loop synchronizes the master LWJGL context with all the slave
451 contexts, then walks each context, rendering just that context to it's
452 audio-sample storage buffer.
454 ** JNI Methods
456 At this point, we have the ability to create multiple listeners by
457 using the master/slave context trick, and the rendered audio data is
458 waiting patiently in internal buffers, one for each listener. We need
459 a way to transport this information to Java, and also a way to drive
460 this device from Java. The following JNI interface code is inspired
461 by the way LWJGL interfaces with =OpenAL=.
463 *** step
465 #+begin_src C
466 //////////////////// JNI Methods
468 #include "com_aurellem_send_AudioSend.h"
470 /*
471 * Class: com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
472 * Method: nstep
473 * Signature: (JI)V
474 */
475 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_nstep
476 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device, jint samples){
477 UNUSED(env);UNUSED(clazz);UNUSED(device);
478 renderData((ALCdevice*)((intptr_t)device), samples);
479 }
480 #+end_src
481 This device, unlike most of the other devices in =OpenAL=, does not
482 render sound unless asked. This enables the system to slow down or
483 speed up depending on the needs of the AIs who are using it to
484 listen. If the device tried to render samples in real-time, a
485 complicated AI whose mind takes 100 seconds of computer time to
486 simulate 1 second of AI-time would miss almost all of the sound in
487 its environment.
490 *** getSamples
491 #+begin_src C
492 /*
493 * Class: com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
494 * Method: ngetSamples
495 * Signature: (JLjava/nio/ByteBuffer;III)V
496 */
497 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_ngetSamples
498 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device, jobject buffer, jint position,
499 jint samples, jint n){
500 UNUSED(clazz);
502 ALvoid *buffer_address =
503 ((ALbyte *)(((char*)(*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, buffer)) + position));
504 ALCdevice *recorder = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
505 send_data *data = (send_data*)recorder->ExtraData;
506 if ((ALuint)n > data->numContexts){return;}
507 memcpy(buffer_address, data->contexts[n]->renderBuffer,
508 BytesFromDevFmt(recorder->FmtType) * recorder->NumChan * samples);
509 }
510 #+end_src
512 This is the transport layer between C and Java that will eventually
513 allow us to access rendered sound data from clojure.
515 *** Listener Management
517 =addListener=, =setNthListenerf=, and =setNthListener3f= are
518 necessary to change the properties of any listener other than the
519 master one, since only the listener of the current active context is
520 affected by the normal =OpenAL= listener calls.
522 #+begin_src C
523 /*
524 * Class: com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
525 * Method: naddListener
526 * Signature: (J)V
527 */
528 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_naddListener
529 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device){
530 UNUSED(env); UNUSED(clazz);
531 //printf("creating new context via naddListener\n");
532 ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
533 ALCcontext *new = alcCreateContext(Device, NULL);
534 addContext(Device, new);
535 }
537 /*
538 * Class: com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
539 * Method: nsetNthListener3f
540 * Signature: (IFFFJI)V
541 */
542 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_nsetNthListener3f
543 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint param,
544 jfloat v1, jfloat v2, jfloat v3, jlong device, jint contextNum){
545 UNUSED(env);UNUSED(clazz);
547 ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
548 send_data *data = (send_data*)Device->ExtraData;
550 ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
551 if ((ALuint)contextNum > data->numContexts){return;}
552 alcMakeContextCurrent(data->contexts[contextNum]->ctx);
553 alListener3f(param, v1, v2, v3);
554 alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
555 }
557 /*
558 * Class: com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
559 * Method: nsetNthListenerf
560 * Signature: (IFJI)V
561 */
562 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_nsetNthListenerf
563 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint param, jfloat v1, jlong device,
564 jint contextNum){
566 UNUSED(env);UNUSED(clazz);
568 ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
569 send_data *data = (send_data*)Device->ExtraData;
571 ALCcontext *current = alcGetCurrentContext();
572 if ((ALuint)contextNum > data->numContexts){return;}
573 alcMakeContextCurrent(data->contexts[contextNum]->ctx);
574 alListenerf(param, v1);
575 alcMakeContextCurrent(current);
576 }
577 #+end_src
579 *** Initilazation
580 =initDevice= is called from the Java side after LWJGL has created its
581 context, and before any calls to =addListener=. It establishes the
582 LWJGL context as the master context.
584 =getAudioFormat= is a convienence function that uses JNI to build up a
585 =javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat= object from data in the Device. This
586 way, there is no ambiguity about what the bits created by =step= and
587 returned by =getSamples= mean.
589 #+begin_src C
590 /*
591 * Class: com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
592 * Method: ninitDevice
593 * Signature: (J)V
594 */
595 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_ninitDevice
596 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device){
597 UNUSED(env);UNUSED(clazz);
598 ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
599 init(Device);
600 }
602 /*
603 * Class: com_aurellem_send_AudioSend
604 * Method: ngetAudioFormat
605 * Signature: (J)Ljavax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat;
606 */
607 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_aurellem_send_AudioSend_ngetAudioFormat
608 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong device){
609 UNUSED(clazz);
610 jclass AudioFormatClass =
611 (*env)->FindClass(env, "javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat");
612 jmethodID AudioFormatConstructor =
613 (*env)->GetMethodID(env, AudioFormatClass, "<init>", "(FIIZZ)V");
615 ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*) ((intptr_t)device);
616 int isSigned;
617 switch (Device->FmtType)
618 {
619 case DevFmtUByte:
620 case DevFmtUShort: isSigned = 0; break;
621 default : isSigned = 1;
622 }
623 float frequency = Device->Frequency;
624 int bitsPerFrame = (8 * BytesFromDevFmt(Device->FmtType));
625 int channels = Device->NumChan;
626 jobject format = (*env)->
627 NewObject(
628 env,AudioFormatClass,AudioFormatConstructor,
629 frequency,
630 bitsPerFrame,
631 channels,
632 isSigned,
633 0);
634 return format;
635 }
636 #+end_src
638 *** Boring Device management stuff
639 This code is more-or-less copied verbatim from the other =OpenAL=
640 backends. It's the basis for =OpenAL='s primitive object system.
642 #+begin_src C
643 //////////////////// Device Initilization / Management
645 static const ALCchar sendDevice[] = "Multiple Audio Send";
647 static ALCboolean send_open_playback(ALCdevice *device,
648 const ALCchar *deviceName)
649 {
650 send_data *data;
651 // stop any buffering for stdout, so that I can
652 // see the printf statements in my terminal immediatley
653 setbuf(stdout, NULL);
655 if(!deviceName)
656 deviceName = sendDevice;
657 else if(strcmp(deviceName, sendDevice) != 0)
658 return ALC_FALSE;
659 data = (send_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(*data));
660 device->szDeviceName = strdup(deviceName);
661 device->ExtraData = data;
662 return ALC_TRUE;
663 }
665 static void send_close_playback(ALCdevice *device)
666 {
667 send_data *data = (send_data*)device->ExtraData;
668 alcMakeContextCurrent(NULL);
669 ALuint i;
670 // Destroy all slave contexts. LWJGL will take care of
671 // its own context.
672 for (i = 1; i < data->numContexts; i++){
673 context_data *ctxData = data->contexts[i];
674 alcDestroyContext(ctxData->ctx);
675 free(ctxData->renderBuffer);
676 free(ctxData);
677 }
678 free(data);
679 device->ExtraData = NULL;
680 }
682 static ALCboolean send_reset_playback(ALCdevice *device)
683 {
684 SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(device);
685 return ALC_TRUE;
686 }
688 static void send_stop_playback(ALCdevice *Device){
689 UNUSED(Device);
690 }
692 static const BackendFuncs send_funcs = {
693 send_open_playback,
694 send_close_playback,
695 send_reset_playback,
696 send_stop_playback,
697 NULL,
698 NULL, /* These would be filled with functions to */
699 NULL, /* handle capturing audio if we we into that */
700 NULL, /* sort of thing... */
701 NULL,
702 NULL
703 };
705 ALCboolean alc_send_init(BackendFuncs *func_list){
706 *func_list = send_funcs;
707 return ALC_TRUE;
708 }
710 void alc_send_deinit(void){}
712 void alc_send_probe(enum DevProbe type)
713 {
714 switch(type)
715 {
716 case DEVICE_PROBE:
717 AppendDeviceList(sendDevice);
718 break;
720 AppendAllDeviceList(sendDevice);
721 break;
723 break;
724 }
725 }
726 #+end_src
728 * The Java interface, =AudioSend=
730 The Java interface to the Send Device follows naturally from the JNI
731 definitions. It is included here for completeness. The only thing here
732 of note is the =deviceID=. This is available from LWJGL, but to only
733 way to get it is reflection. Unfornatuently, there is no other way to
734 control the Send device than to obtain a pointer to it.
736 #+include: "../java/src/com/aurellem/send/" src java :exports code
738 * Finally, Ears in clojure!
740 Now that the infastructure is complete (modulo a few patches to
741 jMonkeyEngine3 to support accessing this modified version of =OpenAL=
742 that are not worth discussing), the clojure ear abstraction is rather
743 simple. Just as there were =SceneProcessors= for vision, there are
744 now =SoundProcessors= for hearing.
746 #+include "../../jmeCapture/src/com/aurellem/capture/audio/" src java
748 #+srcname: ears
749 #+begin_src clojure
750 (ns cortex.hearing
751 "Simulate the sense of hearing in jMonkeyEngine3. Enables multiple
752 listeners at different positions in the same world. Passes vectors
753 of floats in the range [-1.0 -- 1.0] in PCM format to any arbitray
754 function."
755 {:author "Robert McIntyre"}
756 (:use (cortex world util))
757 (:import java.nio.ByteBuffer)
758 (:import org.tritonus.share.sampled.FloatSampleTools)
759 (:import
760 (:import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat))
762 (defn sound-processor
763 "Deals with converting ByteBuffers into Vectors of floats so that
764 the continuation functions can be defined in terms of immutable
765 stuff."
766 [continuation]
767 (proxy [SoundProcessor] []
768 (cleanup [])
769 (process
770 [#^ByteBuffer audioSamples numSamples #^AudioFormat audioFormat]
771 (let [bytes (byte-array numSamples)
772 floats (float-array numSamples)]
773 (.get audioSamples bytes 0 numSamples)
774 (FloatSampleTools/byte2floatInterleaved
775 bytes 0 floats 0
776 (/ numSamples (.getFrameSize audioFormat)) audioFormat)
777 (continuation
778 (vec floats))))))
780 (defn add-ear
781 "Add an ear to the world. The continuation function will be called
782 on the FFT or the sounds which the ear hears in the given
783 timeframe. Sound is 3D."
784 [world listener continuation]
785 (let [renderer (.getAudioRenderer world)]
786 (.addListener renderer listener)
787 (.registerSoundProcessor renderer listener
788 (sound-processor continuation))
789 listener))
790 #+end_src
792 * Example
794 #+srcname: test-hearing
795 #+begin_src clojure :results silent
796 (ns test.hearing
797 (:use (cortex world util hearing))
798 (:import ( AudioNode Listener))
799 (:import com.jme3.scene.Node))
801 (defn setup-fn [world]
802 (let [listener (Listener.)]
803 (add-ear world listener #(println-repl (nth % 0)))))
805 (defn play-sound [node world value]
806 (if (not value)
807 (do
808 (.playSource (.getAudioRenderer world) node))))
810 (defn test-basic-hearing []
811 (.start
812 (let [node1 (AudioNode. (asset-manager) "Sounds/pure.wav" false false)]
813 (world
814 (Node.)
815 {"key-space" (partial play-sound node1)}
816 setup-fn
817 no-op))))
818 #+end_src
820 This extremely basic program prints out the first sample it encounters
821 at every time stamp. You can see the rendered sound begin printed at
822 the REPL.
824 * COMMENT Code Generation
826 #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../../cortex/src/cortex/hearing.clj
827 <<ears>>
828 #+end_src
830 #+begin_src clojure :tangle ../../cortex/src/test/hearing.clj
831 <<test-hearing>>
832 #+end_src
835 #+begin_src C :tangle ../Alc/backends/send.c
836 <<send>>
837 #+end_src