annotate html/add-new-device.html @ 18:1e201037f666

separating out the sections of send.c
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Thu, 03 Nov 2011 13:32:27 -0700
parents f9476ff7637e
children 3caceef436ea
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rlm@0 104 <h1 class="title">all the steps to add a device to open-al</h1>
rlm@0 105 <div class="author">Written by <author>Robert McIntyre</author></div>
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rlm@0 113 <div id="table-of-contents">
rlm@0 114 <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
rlm@0 115 <div id="text-table-of-contents">
rlm@0 116 <ul>
rlm@0 117 <li><a href="#sec-1">1 How to add a new backend device </a></li>
rlm@0 118 <li><a href="#sec-2">2 In Alc/backends/&lt;your-device&gt;.c </a></li>
rlm@0 119 <li><a href="#sec-3">3 In OpenAL32/Include/alMain.h : </a></li>
rlm@0 120 <li><a href="#sec-4">4 In Alc/ALc.c : </a></li>
rlm@0 121 <li><a href="#sec-5">5 In CMakeLists.txt </a></li>
rlm@0 122 <li><a href="#sec-6">6 In ~/.alsoftrc </a></li>
rlm@0 123 </ul>
rlm@0 124 </div>
rlm@0 125 </div>
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rlm@0 127 <div id="outline-container-1" class="outline-2">
rlm@0 128 <h2 id="sec-1"><span class="section-number-2">1</span> How to add a new backend device </h2>
rlm@0 129 <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">
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rlm@0 136 <div id="outline-container-2" class="outline-2">
rlm@0 137 <h2 id="sec-2"><span class="section-number-2">2</span> In Alc/backends/&lt;your-device&gt;.c </h2>
rlm@0 138 <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-2">
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rlm@0 143
rlm@0 144 <pre class="src src-C"><span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">static</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">const</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">ALCchar</span> &lt;your-device&gt;_device[] = &lt;your-device-name&gt;;
rlm@0 145
rlm@0 146 <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">ALCboolean</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf;">alc_</span>&lt;your-device&gt;_init(BackendFuncs *func_list)
rlm@0 147 <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">void</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf;">alc_</span>&lt;your-device&gt;_deinit(<span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">void</span>)
rlm@0 148
rlm@0 149 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">static</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">ALCboolean</span> &lt;your-device&gt;_open_playback(ALCdevice *device, <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">const</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">ALCchar</span> *<span style="color: #f0dfaf;">deviceName</span>)
rlm@0 150 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">static</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">void</span> &lt;your-device&gt;_close_playback(ALCdevice *device)
rlm@0 151 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">static</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">ALCboolean</span> &lt;your-device&gt;_reset_playback(ALCdevice *device)
rlm@0 152 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">static</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">void</span> &lt;your-device&gt;_stop_playback(ALCdevice *device)
rlm@0 153 </pre>
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rlm@0 157
rlm@0 158
rlm@0 159 <pre class="src src-C"><span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">void</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf;">alc_</span>&lt;your-device&gt;_probe(<span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">enum</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">DevProbe</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf;">type</span>)
rlm@0 160 {
rlm@0 161 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">switch</span>(type)
rlm@0 162 {
rlm@0 163 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">case</span> DEVICE_PROBE:
rlm@0 164 AppendDeviceList(&lt;your-device&gt;Device);
rlm@0 165 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">break</span>;
rlm@0 166 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">case</span> ALL_DEVICE_PROBE:
rlm@0 167 AppendAllDeviceList(&lt;your-device&gt;Device);
rlm@0 168 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">break</span>;
rlm@0 169 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">case</span> CAPTURE_DEVICE_PROBE:
rlm@0 170 <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">break</span>;
rlm@0 171 }
rlm@0 172 }
rlm@0 173 </pre>
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rlm@0 178
rlm@0 179 <pre class="src src-C"><span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">static</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">const</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">BackendFuncs</span> &lt;your-device&gt;_funcs = {
rlm@0 180 &lt;your-device&gt;_open_playback,
rlm@0 181 &lt;your-device&gt;_close_playback,
rlm@0 182 &lt;your-device&gt;_reset_playback,
rlm@0 183 &lt;your-device&gt;_stop_playback,
rlm@0 184 <span style="color: #dca3a3; font-weight: bold;">NULL</span>,
rlm@0 185 <span style="color: #dca3a3; font-weight: bold;">NULL</span>,
rlm@0 186 <span style="color: #dca3a3; font-weight: bold;">NULL</span>,
rlm@0 187 <span style="color: #dca3a3; font-weight: bold;">NULL</span>,
rlm@0 188 <span style="color: #dca3a3; font-weight: bold;">NULL</span>,
rlm@0 189 <span style="color: #dca3a3; font-weight: bold;">NULL</span>
rlm@0 190 };
rlm@0 191 </pre>
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rlm@0 197 </div>
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rlm@0 201 <div id="outline-container-3" class="outline-2">
rlm@0 202 <h2 id="sec-3"><span class="section-number-2">3</span> In OpenAL32/Include/alMain.h : </h2>
rlm@0 203 <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-3">
rlm@0 204
rlm@0 205
rlm@0 206
rlm@0 207
rlm@0 208
rlm@0 209 <pre class="src src-C"><span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">ALCboolean</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf;">alc_</span>&lt;your-device&gt;_init(BackendFuncs *func_list);
rlm@0 210 <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">void</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf;">alc_</span>&lt;your-device&gt;_deinit(<span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">void</span>);
rlm@0 211 <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">void</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf;">alc_</span>&lt;your-device&gt;_probe(<span style="color: #f0dfaf; font-weight: bold;">enum</span> <span style="color: #dfdfbf; font-weight: bold;">DevProbe</span> <span style="color: #f0dfaf;">type</span>);
rlm@0 212
rlm@0 213 </pre>
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rlm@0 222 <div id="outline-container-4" class="outline-2">
rlm@0 223 <h2 id="sec-4"><span class="section-number-2">4</span> In Alc/ALc.c : </h2>
rlm@0 224 <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-4">
rlm@0 225
rlm@0 226
rlm@0 227
rlm@0 228
rlm@0 229 <pre class="src src-C"> { <span style="color: #cc9393;">"&lt;your-device&gt;"</span>, alc_&lt;your-device&gt;_init,
rlm@0 230 alc_&lt;your-device&gt;_deinit, alc_&lt;your-device&gt;_probe, EmptyFuncs },
rlm@0 231
rlm@0 232 </pre>
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rlm@0 241 <div id="outline-container-5" class="outline-2">
rlm@0 242 <h2 id="sec-5"><span class="section-number-2">5</span> In CMakeLists.txt </h2>
rlm@0 243 <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-5">
rlm@0 244
rlm@0 245
rlm@0 246
rlm@0 247
rlm@0 248 <pre class="src src-cmake">SET(ALC_OBJS Alc/ALc.c
rlm@0 249 Alc/ALu.c
rlm@0 250 Alc/alcConfig.c
rlm@0 251 Alc/alcDedicated.c
rlm@0 252 Alc/alcEcho.c
rlm@0 253 Alc/alcModulator.c
rlm@0 254 Alc/alcReverb.c
rlm@0 255 Alc/alcRing.c
rlm@0 256 Alc/alcThread.c
rlm@0 257 Alc/bs2b.c
rlm@0 258 Alc/helpers.c
rlm@0 259 Alc/hrtf.c
rlm@0 260 Alc/mixer.c
rlm@0 261 Alc/panning.c
rlm@0 262 # Default backends, always available
rlm@0 263 Alc/backends/loopback.c
rlm@0 264 Alc/backends/null.c
rlm@0 265 # : add &lt;your-device&gt; device
rlm@0 266 Alc/backends/&lt;your-device&gt;.c
rlm@0 267 )
rlm@0 268 </pre>
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rlm@0 278 <div id="outline-container-6" class="outline-2">
rlm@0 279 <h2 id="sec-6"><span class="section-number-2">6</span> In ~/.alsoftrc </h2>
rlm@0 280 <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-6">
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rlm@0 286 <pre class="src src-conf"><span style="color: #f0dfaf;">drivers</span> = &lt;your-device&gt;
rlm@0 287 </pre>
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rlm@0 291 </div>
rlm@0 292 </div>
rlm@0 293 <div id="postamble">
rlm@0 294 <p class="date">Date: 2011-10-20 15:48:47 MST</p>
rlm@0 295 <p class="author">Author: Robert McIntyre</p>
rlm@0 296 <p class="creator">Org version 7.6 with Emacs version 23</p>
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